European Week in Bulgaria 5-17 May 2022

  • 35th anniversary of the Erasmus Program

    The students from PPMG “Acad. Ivan Tsenov ”celebrated the 35th anniversary of the Erasmus Program of the European Commission. The event included an exhibition and distribution of products - videos and presentations created by students during their three years of work. Mrs. Kalina Nikolova, project manager of "Act it! Film it! Share it! ”, told about the cosmopolitan personality of Erasmus of Rotterdam, whose name the program bears. Born in Rotterdam, the Netherlands, he lived and worked in France, England, Germany, Italy and Switzerland at various times in his life and refused to be identified by nationality. It is said that the thought "Nothing can hinder a person with will" belongs to him, which has a strong motivating effect even today.

    The team of the project "think." handed out balloons. Ms. Ani Pavlova, coordinator of the project, told the 5th and 7th grade students about the European Parliament Ambassadors' Schools Program, which aims to raise awareness among students about the European Union, European citizenship and parliamentary democracy. A team of students who took part in the project "think" shared their impressions of their teamwork in international groups and told about what they have learned during the mobility in the partner schools. They assured their classmates that the skills of cooperation, communication, successful presentation and critical thinking are extremely important for young people today.

    The students were treated to a cake with the Erasmus logo.

    On the day the school celebrates its patron saint's day, May 11, the two Erasmus teams organized an exhibition of their products. With the celebration, our school becomes part of the "European Week in Bulgaria", organized by the Center for Human Resources Development in its capacity as the National Agency for Erasmus in our country.

    The Erasmus 35th Anniversary Explanatory Campaign in the EAPC points out to students that the program supports education, training, youth and sport in Europe, focusing on social inclusion, environmental and digital transition for the period 2021-2027. and promoting the participation of young people in democratic life. With its budget, it enables over 4 million participants to study, train, gain experience and volunteer abroad. For all participants in Erasmus activities and exchanges, this is an experience that leaves traces and lasting beautiful memories for a lifetime. The program has given a chance to many in their personal and professional path, and the story of Erasmus continues to be written!