
  • Erasmus + Days at PPMG

    October 15-17 is marked as Erasmus + Days. The aim of the pan-European initiative is to present European values, the huge positive impact of the Erasmus + Program, the benefits of educational mobility and the positive impact of project results.

    In PPMG "Acad. Ivan Tsenov ”the event took place with a joint event of the two teams working on the program - the project“ Think. ”And the project“ Play! Shoot! Share! ”(Act it! Film it! Share it!). In cooperation with the Values, Virtues, Integrity Foundation, students from both teams learned techniques from the Shadow Theater. With shadows created by their bodies and additional objects, they presented situations, which was a prelude to their main task - creating sketches on "Human Rights". Quotes from the UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights provoked participants to reflect and illustrate through the shadow theater the right to a dignified life, equal access to education, the rule of law, the prohibition of slavery and torture, and so on. The teams reinforced their sketches with spectacular music and colorful lights.

    The background of the event was the exhibition of products - calendars, books, painted T-shirts, masks and puppets for theater, made by the teams in the first year of their project activities. All readers have access to them through this publication.

    The Universal Declaration of Human Rights can be found at: https://www.cpdp.bg/?p=element&aid=32