Podcasters | Short description | Podcast cover | Script | Podcast |
Jon Vega | Jon Vega and his team´s reflections on teenagers reading habits. | | Script | areteenagersreading-jonvega.mp3 |
Uxue Llorente,Naroa and Olaia | Anna Todd and David Walliams are in the studio to talk about it. | | Script | teenegersdonotread-uxuellorente.mp3 |
Aitana, Leire, Naroa and Iratxe | Naroa, an Oianguren BHI student, Alaitz Leceaga,a famous Basque writer and a teacher try to answer to question. | | | Podcast 2.mp3 |
Julen Perlines and Iker Mendizabal | | Julen and Iker Mendizabal who is a famous writer will talk about this controversial topic. | | Script | musika-ikermendizabal.mp3 |
Paula and Maren | A librarian will give her point of view based on her experience. Don´t miss it! | | Script | reading-paulaelzaurdi.mp3 |
Jon Villafranca, Iñigo Mendizabal, Julen Zufiria and Javier Palacios | Some writers are being interviewed in the following podcast!Have fun! | | Script | teenagersdonotreadanymore-jonvillafranca.mp3 |
Enara, Deiane eta Josune | Morgan Levi from Oxford publishing house gives his opinion about reading among teenagers. | | Script | teenagersdonotreadanymore-josunediez.mp3 |
Aitor Lakuntza | Aitor Lakunza and his group´s thoughts on the topic. | | Script | Aitor Lakunza |
Kepa and Markel | Oianguren BHI students share their opinion about this controversial topic. | | Script | teenagersdonotreadanymore-mariavega.mp3 |
Irati, Inge, Daniela B and Maria | | Four teenagers get together to to talk about reading habits. | | Script | teenagersdonotreadanymore-mariavega.mp3 |
Elbereth, June and Natale | The director of the local library along with a student try to find out the answer to the question. | | Script | teenagersdonotreadanymore-elberethfernandez.mp3 |
Markel, Xuban and Ibon | A group of teenagers give us their point of view. | | Script | teenagersdonotreadanymora-xubandeprado.mp3 |
Nikolas ,Jon and Jon Milo | | A sociologist analyses today´s situation. | | Script | podcastinglesh2-nikolasezcurdia-ivoox45682890.mp3 |