We share the experience of comprehensive parenting. Dalinamės savo patirtimi apie visuminį vaikų ugdymą

  • Place material on the topic on this project page, do not forget to indicate the name of your educational institution and teacher. (Pagal temą savo projekto medžiagą kelkite į šį puslapį, nepamirškite įtraukti savo švietimo įstaigos ir pedagogo vardo)


    Kindergarten "Žvangutis" group "Boružėlių" Kaunas, Lithuania, teacher Birutė Balsaitienė

    Task for children to learn at a distance: listening to a fairy tale and answering questions.

    Boružė Liputė


    KINDERGARTEN  "ŽVANGUTIS" group "Boružėlių" Kaunas, Lithuania

    Teacher Birutė Balsaitienė


    During the quarantine, the children and their parents created a fairy tale .

    Karantino metu vaikai ir jų tėvai sukūrė pasaką --- Frozen in ice.

    .. The toys freeze in the ice and the whole toy carousel swings ... - says Greta

    My mermaids are not afraid of the cold. They dance happily on the ice.....GABIJA

    Cheerful children are not afraid of the cold. They like running and ice skating .....ADAMAS

    Baked cakes for a fabulous celebration......Ema


    KINDERGARTEN "ŽVANGUTIS" group "Boružėlių" Kaunas, Lithuania

    Teacher Birutė Balsaitienė

    Children love to play with glove dolls. They communicate and develop spoken language.Kids love to play at the light table. They draw, put together, tell tales .... talk, communicate, count, experiment ....




    Kaunas shool - kidergarten "Šviesa", group "Moksliukai". Teacher - Miglė Stankevičiūtė 

    Today with kids we draw fairy tale about rain. Thankyou Aušrai for idea.



    Kaunas shool - kidergarten "Šviesa", group "Moksliukai". Teacher - Miglė Stankevičiūtė 

    This is our tongue exercise - fairy tale. 

    One morning his tongue came up, listening - silent.
    Went to one room - nothing.
    Went to another room - nothing.
    There was a staircase to the top - nothing.
    Descended into a rut - nothing is there.
    He went outside, looked at both sides - there was nothing.
    Looked up, down, nothing is there.
    Then his tongue cheered and started jumping on the beds and on the couches.
    Then began to run around the room to one side, then to the other side.
    He went outside to wait.
    And when he didn't know what to do, he curled up.
    And then he became sad and went out into the city to look for friends.

    Vieną rytą atsiklėlė liežuvis, klauso - tylu. Nuėjo į vieną kambarį - nieko nėra. Nuėjo į kitą kambarį - nieko nėra. Užlipo laiptai į viršų - nieko nėra. Nusileido į rusį - nieko nėra. Išėjo į lauką, pažiūrėjo į abi puses - nieko nėra. Pažiūrėjo auštyn, žemyns - nieko nėra. Tada liežuvis apsidžiaugė ir pradėjo šokinėti ant lovų ir ant sofų. Tada pradėjo lakstyti aplink kambarį į vieną pusę, paskui į kitą pusę. Išėjo į lauką palakstyti. O kai nebežinojo ką daryti  - susiraitė į kilimą. O tada jam pasidarė liūdna ir jis išjojo į miestą ieškoti draugų.



    Kaunas school - kindergarten "Šviesa". Group "Moksliukai". Teacher Miglė Stankevičiūtė

    I am sharing a book with you. I used the logo of our project instead of the cover. In the book you will find our favorite exercise that is perfect for our project.


    Standing, standing, squatting, standing (sit back and stand up)

    We move hands high. (travel up and fold your hands)

    Trepis, trepis, like bears (trepsi)

    We dance like bunnies. (jumps)

    Leaning on fingers, (leaning in)

    We will reach the sunset. (raises his hands and shows the sun)

    And now freely ... (hands sideways)

    Makininta ta ba broad. (hands fold and flatten)


    Dalinuosi su jumis sukurta knyga. Vietoj viršelio panaudojau mūsų projekto logotipą. Knygoje rasite mūsų pamėgtą mankštą, kuri puikiai tinka mūsų projektui.

    Tupiam, stojam, tupiam, stojam (atsitupia ir atsistoja)

    Rankytes aukštai kilnojam. (kelia aukštyn ir nuleidžia rankas)

    Trepsim, trepsim, kaip meškučiai (trepsi)

    Šokinėjam, kaip zuikučiai. (šokinėja)

    Pasistiebę ant pirštukų, (pasistiebia)

    Mes pasieksime saulutę. (iškelia rankas ir rodo saulutę)

    O dabar vabalai... (rankos į šonus)

    Makaluojama ta ba lai. (rankas suka ir suploja)




    Kaunas school - kindergarten "Šviesa". Group "Moksliukai". Teacher Miglė Stankevičiūtė

    Ačiū Jorio mamai, kuri atsinešė violočele ir kartu su vaikais dainavome, šokome ir žaidėme muzikinius, žodinius žaidimus.

    Thanks to Jori's mom, who
    brought a cello and sang, danced and played musical,
    word games with the kids.



    Kaunas school - kindergarten "Šviesa". Group "Moksliukai". Teacher Miglė Stankevičiūtė

    Ačiū Aušrai už nuostabia idėją, kurią išbandėme ir mes. Vaikams patiko veikla su popieriumi, su juo žaisti, plėšyti. O kai atėjo metas susitvarkyti, nuspredėme, kad mūsų sniegas ištirpo.

    Thank you Aušrai for the wonderful idea we tried out.
    The kids enjoyed working with paper, playing with it, looting.
    And when it came time to fix it, we decided our snow had melted.


    Kindergarten "Žvangutis"group "Boružėlių" Kaunas, Lithuania, teacher Birutė Balsaitienė

    I share theatrical activities - imagination and rhythm education.

    Dalinuosi teatrine veikla - vaizduotės ir ritmo lavinimu.







    Art kindergarten “Etiudas” Kaunas, Lithuania., “Saulute” group. Educator Aušra Rašytinienė. The children created a tale. Children play an educational task. They help mole find a way to meet friend Yga.

    A tale of two friends

    Once lived a mare Yga and a mole Aga. The mare Yga running through the meadow, and the mole Aga lived and wandered underground. The mare ran in the daytime, and the mole would only come out of the ground at night. As Yga was running through the meadow, she heard something moving underground. The mole really heard her and started moving towards the mare. This is how two friends met in the meadow - mare Yga and mole Aga.

    Pasaka apie kumelę Ygą ir kurmį Agą.pdf



    A tale of two friends


    KINDERGARTEN  "Žvangutis","Boružėlių" group KAUNAS, LITHUANIA


    Staged game "Hear what the colors say"

    Inscenizuotas žaidimas „Klausyk, ką sako spalvos“

    After returning from the music lesson, the children found a box in the group. There were very many colored corks.

    Grįžę iš muzikos pamokos vaikai grupėje rado dėžutę. Buvo labai daug spalvotų kamščių.

    The children listened and heard the desire for color. They were asked to select red, green and yellow separately.

    Vaikai klausėsi ir išgirdo spalvų norą. Jų buvo paprašyta atskirai pasirinkti raudoną, žalią ir geltoną.

    The children selected light yellow and dark yellow caps and counted them. It was a desire for color.

    Vaikai pasirinko šviesiai geltonos ir tamsiai geltonos spalvos dangtelius ir juos suskaičiavo. Tai buvo spalvos noras.









    Art kindergarten  „Etiudas“  Kaunas, Lithuania, „Saulute“ group. Educator Aušra Rašytinienė

    It is very important for children to recognize the emotions of others, to be able to name them and express them themselves. With "Emotion Bears", we learn to recognize emotions of concern, joy, and sadness. Together we will learn how to recognize the emotion of joy and show it on our face. Children do well with their chosen task. Children tell what triggers such emotions. After completing the task, "Emotion Bear" is happy to travel home with the children.

    Ben - I am fun because I love being with kids.

    Jokūbas - I'm sad because I woke up early in the morning.

    Adrija - I'm fun because when I come back from kindergarten I will be visiting my friend

    Gustas is concerned. He doesn't know yet what game to play when Adrija comes to him.


    Vaikams labai svarbu atpažinti kitų ir savo emocijas, mokėti jas išreikšti ir įvardinti. Su „Emocijų meškučiais“ mes mokomės atpažinti nerimo, džiaugsmo ir liūdesio emocijas. Visi kartu mokomės atpažinti džiaugsmo emociją ir ją parodyti savo veidelyje. Vaikai gerai susitvarko su pasirinkta užduotimi. Po atliktos užduoties "Emocijų meškutė" su džiaugsmu keliauja pas vaikučius į namus.

    Benas - man smagu, nes man patinka būti su vaikais.

    Jokūbas - man liūdna, nes prabudau anksti ryte.

    Adrija - man smagu, nes grįžusi iš darželio aplankysiu savo draugą.

    Gustas yra susirūpinęs. Jis dar nežino kokį žaidimą žais, kai pas jį į svečius ateis Adrija.





    Art kindergarten “Etiudas”  Kaunas, Lithuania, “Saulutė” group. Educator Aušra Rašytinienė

    A specialist of the Public Health Center visited the children of Saulutė group. She told the children the "Tale of a Vegetables". Vegetables are a very valuable food for young children. Together with the specialist, the children were visited by a hare and a bear. Each of them told the children why eating vegetables is healthy. Every vegetable is rich in vitamins. For example, garlic contains vitamins C, B, PP, group B vitamins, inulin, potassium, calcium, magnesium, iron, manganese, zinc and other active substances. Therefore, garlic acts as a healing substance! The children heard the story of onions, carrots, potatoes and tomatoes and their benefits to the growing child. After an interesting story-tale about vegetables, the children played fun games



    KINDERGARTEN "Žvangutis" "Boružėlių"group, Kaunas, Lithuania. Educator Birutė Balsaitienė

    Children learned to know forest beasts. They were interested appearance and living conditions. They liked the beasts mentioned in the tales: wolf, fox, hare, bear ....In an unconventional environment childrens  were listening to the tale "Teddy Bear Rudnosiukas ". By answering the questions, he developed his memory and language skills, and he developed artistic skills by creating work .

    Vaikai išmoko pažinti miško žvėris. Jie domėjosi išvaizda ir gyvenimo sąlygomis. Jiems patiko pasakose paminėti žvėrys: vilkas, lapė, kiškis, lokys .... Netradicinėje aplinkoje vaikai klausėsi pasakos „Meškiukas Rudnosiukas“. Atsakydamas į klausimus, lavino savo atmintį ir kalbos įgūdžius, o meninius įgūdžius ugdė kurdamas darbus.


    Kaunas school - kindergarten "Šviesa". Group "Moksliukai". Teacher Miglė Stankevičiūtė

    Dalinuosi, kaip "kepame" blynus.

    Imam didelį indą ir beriame miltų, pilame pieno, mušame kiaušinkius.

    Beriame cukraus ir druskos.

    Viską išmaišome ir prašome saulės, kad iškeptų blynus.

    1 minutę laukiame
    2 minutes laukiame
    3 minutes laukiame

    ooo kaip kvepia. Prašome saulės, kad atiduotų blynus. Saule, saule duoki blynų. Oi kvepia.


    I share how we "bake" pancakes. We take a large dish and pour flour, pour milk, beat the eggs.
    We are losing sugar and salt.
    We mix everything and ask the sun to bake the pancakes. Wait 1 minute

    Wait 2 minutes

    3 minutes to wait

    ooo how smells. Please sunshine to give away the pancakes.
    Sun, sun give pancakes. Oh smells.




    Nijolė Skukauskienė  Kindergarten "Varpelis" "Katinėlių" group Rokiškis, LITHUANIA


      „Svečiuose mylimiausi žaisliukai“.

    Kartą viena mergaitė į grupę atsinešė robotą. Ji norėjo parodyti grupės draugams savo naują žaisliuką. Robotukas pakuždėjo mums į ausį, kad jis visą dieną namuose buna vienas, jam liūdna, jis labai nerimauja dėl savo mažosios draugės juk jis nežino ką vaikai veikia darželyje. Todėl nutarėme, kad visi vaikai atsineš į darželį savo mylimiausią žaislą. Susipažins juos su kitais vaikais, pažiūrės kaip vaikai leidžia dienas darželyje, ką veikia. Visą savaitę vaikai žaidė su savo žaisliukais, dalinosi su draugais, mokėsi juos saugoti, dirbo įvairius darbelius: klausėsi pasakų, rūšiavo žaisliukus, piešė juos, aplikavo ir kt..

    "Guest Lovers' Toys".

    Once upon a time, one girl brought a robot into the group. She wanted to show her friends her new toy. The robot whispered to us that he was home alone all day, he is sad, he is very worried about his little friend because he does not know what the children do in kindergarten. So we decided that all the kids would bring their favorite toy to the nursery. You will meet them with other children, see how they spend their days in kindergarten, what they do. Throughout the week, the kids played with toys, shared with friends, learned how to store them, and did a variety of things: listening to tales, sorting toys, drawing, customizing, and more.

    • Kindergarten "Varpelis" "Katinėlių" group Rokiškis, LITHUANIA. Educator Nijolė Skukauskienė


    Guest Fox

    Throughout the week, a group of foliage came to visit us in the group, who daily told the children about the wild animals and offered them various activities. He brought with him a teddy bear and a dagger, as well as the characters of the fairy tale "The Three Bears". Children used to play with toys and made different dealogies, their own tales, and compared bears and their items by size.







    Art kindergarten „Etiudas“ Kaunas, Lithuania, „Saulute“ group“. Educator Aušra Rašytinienė.

     Music develops children's creativity. Music teacher Jurgita teaches children how to combine music with motion. Movement develops children's fantasy and helps create tales. Movement develops children's fantasy and helps create tales.

    Muzika lavina vaikų kūrybą. Muzikos mokytoja Jurgita moko vaikus muziką sujungti su judesiu. Judesys lavina vaikų fantaziją ir padeda kurti pasakas. Susipažinkime su trimis muzikinėmis pasakomis.






    Su vaikais šį rytą stebėjome degančias žvakutes prisimenant Lietuvos laisvės gynėjus.

    Aptarėme kokios spalvos žvakutės ir sukūrėm trumpą pasakėlę „TRYS LIETUVOS ŽVAKĖS“

         ..... Degė kartą trys žvakės—geltona, žalia ir raudona. Jos susiginčijo kuri iš jų ryškiausiai šviečia. Geltonoji sako: aš esu aukščiausia ir ryškiai šviečiu. Žalioji sako :aš esu žalia kaip žolė ir taip pat ryškiai šviečiu. Raudonoji žvakė tarė: aš šviečiu ryškiausiai, nes aš ryški ir nedegdama, nes aš esu kaip kraujas.

    Vaikai žiūrėdami į degančias žvakutes tarė: nesiginčikyte, jūs visos ryškiai šviečiate, jūs gražios ir mielos Lietuvos vėliavos spalvų žvakutės. Žvakutės degė toliau ir jų liepsnelės pleveno.

    Today children and I looked at litted candles and remembered the ones who defended the liberty of Lithuania. We discussed the colours of the candles and created a short story “THREE CANDLES OF LITHUANIA”.

    Once upon a time three candles were burning: yellow, green and red. They had an argument among themselves, who’s light is the brightest. The Yellow one said: I’m the tallest and shine bright. The Green one said: I am green as a grass and I also shine bright. The Red one said: I am the brightest even if I am not burning as I look like blood.

    Children looked at the candles and said: stop arguing, you all shine bright, you are beautiful candles in the colours of Lithuanian flag. The candles continued to burn and their flames were wavering.



    Art kindergarten “Etiudas” Kaunas, Lithuania, "Saulutė" group. Educator Aušra Rašytinienė


    Children draw in winter and talks about it.

    Winter has come but snow is still out. The children were very happy when one day it started to snow. Children decided to invite winter. Children used rollers and white paint to achieve their goal. Kid's every job is a true winter tale!

    Austėja. There are many soft, white clouds in the sky. The forest is far away. Many sheep graze in the forest. There is a lot of snow.

    Adrija. Near the forest behind the fence sheep are safely running. A lot of snowfall makes sheep very fond of running in the snow.

    Emilija. Heavy, white clouds cover the sky. Lots of snow. Sheep have great fun lying on the snow.

    Gabija. High in the sky, there are many clouds. Very far away is the forest. The fence is visible. There is a lot of snow behind the fence.

    Goda. The sky is covered with fluffy white clouds. There was a lot of snow on the trees and on the ground.

    Gustas. White clouds covered the sky. The forest is visible and around it a fence. The fence protects against the beasts of the forest.

    Jokūbas B. There are white soft clouds above the forest. From them fall snow, which covers the whole earth.

    Jokūbas V. Sheep are protected by a fence to prevent them from escaping. Sheep rejoice when snow falls from the sky.

    Justas. There are many snow clouds in the sky. The sheep were scared to be covered by snow.

    Linas. High in the sky, many white clouds are visible. Sheep must be fenced to prevent them from escaping.


    Art kindergarten  "Etiudas" Kaunas, Lithuania, "Saulute" group. Educator Aušra Rašytinienė


    White paper fairy tale

    The art educator Dovile brought and distributed white sheets of paper to the children. She told the children that white sheets of paper wanted to tell their story to the children

    Dailės pedagogė Dovilė vaikams atnešė ir išdalino balto popieriaus lapus. Ji pasakė, kad balti popieriaus lapai nori papasakoti vaikams savo istoriją


    Video about it what a piece of white paper told for us about?






    Vaikai skaito pasakų knygas ir žaidžia.

    Vaikai prisimena pasakos veikėjus, treniruoja raumenis, treniruoja atmintį, mąsto ir skaičiuoja. Jie mokosi pasakoti pasaką.

    Children read fairy books and play.Children remember the characters of the tale, train their muscles, train their memory, think and count. They learn to tell a tale.




    Art kindergarten "Etiudas" Kaunas, Lithuania, "Saulutė" group. Educator Aušra Rašytinienė


    The kids created a tale about a bunny celebrating his third birthday. 

    “Bunny's third birthday”

        The bunny who lives in the woods learned about the kindergarten. From the forest magpie, it became known that the children in this kindergarten can celebrate their birthday. Therefore, the rabbit came to kindergarten to meet children from the Saulute group and asked them to teach him how to celebrate his third birthday. The children taught the bunny how to bake a delicious cake and to decorate it with various seasonings. The children taught the bunny to place the required number of candles on the cake and count them to three. Both the kids and the bunny were very happy!

    Vaikai sukūrė pasaką apie zuikį, švenčiantį savo trečiąjį gimtadienį.

    “Trečias zuikio gimtadienis”

              Miške gyvenantis zuikis sužinojo apie darželį. Iš miško šarkos tapo žinoma, kad šio darželio vaikai gali švęsti savo gimtadienį. Todėl triušis atėjo į darželį susitikti su „Saulutės“ grupės vaikais ir paprašė jų išmokyti jį švęsti trečiąjį gimtadienį. Vaikai mokė zuikį, kaip iškepti skanų pyragą ir papuošti jį įvairiais pagardais. Vaikai išmokė zuikį ant torto pastatyti reikiamą žvakių skaičių ir suskaičiuoti juos iki trijų. Ir vaikai, ir zuikis buvo labai laimingi!



    Kindergarten "ŽVANGUTIS" group "Boružėlių" Kaunas, Lithuania.



    Kids draw and make narrative….




    Kindergarten "ŽVANGUTIS" "Boružėlių" group Kaunas, Lithuania

    Children play, sing, imagine.







    Kindergarten "Žvangutis" group "Boružėlių" Kaunas, Lithuania.

    Educator Birutė Balsaitienė

    Vaikai mokosi per įspūdį.   Interaktyvios grindys. Vaikams patiko žaisti Meškiukas ir Medus.   Vaikams patinka klausytis pasakos „Rudnosiukas“ 












    Holistic education of children through fairy tales - Cognition.

    Art kindergarten "Etiudas", Lithuania, "Linelis" group.Educator Asta Rastenienė

    The kids got to know and explore chestnuts and acorns. The children built roads  of chestnut.

    We made a story:

                    The cars were driving on the Chestnut Roads.

                    Cars were freight because were carrying chestnut loads.

                    Roads were curve and have many obstacles, therefore, led to many                        accidents.

                    After unloading the machines carried animals.


    Vaikai susipažino ir tyrinėjo kaštonus ir giles. Vaikai nutiesė kelius iš kaštonų. Kūrėme pasakojimą:  

                   Mašinos važiavo ,,kaštonų" keliais .

                   Jos buvo krovininės, nes vežė kaštonų krovinį.

                   Kelias buvo vingiuotas ir su kliūtimis, todėl įvykdavo mašinų avarijos.Iškrovus krovinį, mašinos veždavo gyvūnus.



    Kindergarten "Žvangutis"Kaunas, Lithuania 

    Educator Birutė Balsaitienė ,group "Boružėlių"

    Imagination games - children play with none or very minimum materials. It is like a fairytale, like creating one with a help of the teacher.




    Art kindergarten “Etiudas” Kaunas, Lithuania, “Saulute” group. Educator Aušra Rašytinienė.  The children walking along with the teacher in the yard and watching the fall leaves trees fall, created a fairy tale. Returning to their group, they performed a creative job


    A fairy tale „Children and Autumn“

    Kids walk around the kindergarten yard and observe the autumn trees. The children see the falling leaves of the trees and hear a whisper. Someone says quietly:

        - I have no hair, everyone fell  what to do! Children look around, want to see who said it. Someone is talking further:

        - My hair is leaves. Leaves fall from the trees, and my hair falls out. How unlucky I am!

         - And who are you?- the children ask. The voice answers that he is Autumn. Children regretted autumn and decided to help. Children glued leaves to Autumn's head. Now Autumn has your own hair!




    Birutė Balsaitienė

    Kindergarten "ŽVANGUTIS" Kaunas Lithuania

    We play by imagining






    Art kindergarten "Etiudas", Kaunas, Lithuania, "Linelis" group. Educator Asta Rastenienė

    Holistic education of children through fairy tales - Art.

    Children with drawing teacher Lina painted a fairy tale.  


    The plates were colored and empty. Plates were sad.

    Then the little hands rolled up a lot of apples and put them in plates.

    The worms came to visit the apples.

    The wind started to blow and a lot of autumn leaves fell down on the plate.

    After the art activity, the children ate apples and enjoyed being it delicious.




    Kaunas kindergarten "Šviesa", Lithuania. Group: "Moksliukai". eacher: Miglė Stankevičiūtė

    Sno White came to "Moksliukai" group from fairy tale "Sno White and the seven dwarfs". Sno White brought gifts - apples and we all together play. With the help of the Sno White we became dwarves and together we made dwarf hats. 

    Sno White was one boy Danelio mom. She is animator. So we together decide that she also could to contrubute to the project. 



    Kaunas kindergarten "Šviesa", Lithuania. Group: "Moksliukai". Teacher: Miglė Stankevičiūtė

    Music and movement help children develop fine motor skills, language, imagination and creativity. Music teacher: Svetlana Kudriašova Šemetė



    Art kindergarten „Etiudas“ Kaunas, Lithuania. Educator Aušra Rašytinienė.

    Theater educator Dovilė leads activities for Saulutė group children. The theater educator follows the with a tale about the sun who loved pizzas. 

    "The Tale of the Sun"

    The kids decided to bake a pizza for Sun and so to her cheer on it. Children rolled out the dough. Children spread the dough. Pizza bakes and whispers: oh how hot, oh how good! Five minutes left ... and the pizza is baked! The sun looks from above and watches pizza baking. Baking pizza, children remember how they made the dough. The sun says: already baked, it's time to eat. Children check how well pizza is baked. Oh sun, pizza is so hot, you can burn your tongue! Kids blowing, cooling pizza ... Very tasty pizza! The sun thanked the children.


    Teatro veikla Kauno menų darželyje Etiudas.pdf



    Kaunas kindergarten "Šviesa", Lithuania. Group: "Moksliukai". Teacher: Miglė Stankevičiūtė

    These week with kid we talk obout teeth and  how important them brush. So I deside first read a book about girl Kake Make which did not brush its teeth and was not invited to the tooth fairy feast. When we read and discussed the book, we made teeth with the kids.


    My group kids are 2-4 years old and many them go in kindergaten first time. So I read them book about how dog Spot going first time in the kindergarten and how he like kindergaten.



    Kaunas kindergarten "Šviesa", Lithuania. Group: "Moksliukai". Teacher: Miglė Stankevičiūtė





    Art kindergarten "Etiudas" Kaunas, Lithuania, "Saulute" group. Educator Aušra Rašytinienė

    Holistic education of children through fairy tales - Art. Visuminis (holistinis) vaikų ugdymas pasitelkiant pasaką - Dailė.

    Vaikai su piešimo mokytoja Lina nupiešė pasaką. Children with drawing teacher Lina painted a fairy tale. 

    Smarkus rudeninis lietus sušlapino žemę. Heavy autumn rain soaked the ground.

    Žemę padengė balos. The land was covered with puddles.

    Danguje nušvito skaisti rudens saulė. A brightly autumn sun shone in the sky.

    Saulė sušildė  žemę. The sun warmed the earth.

    Sudygo pasėta žolė. The sun warmed the earth.

    Vėl sužaliavo išdžiuvusi Žemė! The land was green again!



    Art kindergarten "Etiudas" Kaunas, Lithuania. Educator Aušra Rašytinienė.

      Music, dance and movement help children develop their imagination and create musical tales. Children of "Saulutė" group.The activity is led by music director Jurgita

    Musical tales. Muzikinės pasakos.

    1. Happy little horse.  Linksmas arkliukas.
    2. The mouse cooked porridge.  Virė pelytė košę.
    3. Flower tale. Gėlių pasaka.



    Kindergarten "Spindulys", Kaunas, Lithuania.Educattor Dalia Janulčikienė.

    Lots of tales about dwarves, witches, princesses. Are you heard a story about bacteria? On September 10 studens from the Lithuanian University of Health Sciences visited our kindergarten. Children listened to tales about bacteria, played, drew and learned to wash their hands. It was fun!



    Little bakers