
  • Information

    Because we don't have an idea of when we can have the next mobility, we descided to have a collaboration project about emotions.

    Why emotions? It is a common team, something very important. As specialy now with Covid. How do you feel?
    The Portuguese Team presented the way they work about the team in the webinar last year. When we visited them in October '21, we had some great activities, some new teaching adventures. 

    Part 1: 

    • What are the 5 basic emotions?
    • What do they mean for you?
      • The students can make a drawing
      • Look for some music
      • Write a poem
      • ... 
      • They can use the creativity they want.
    • All the work for the students will be put together in an emotionbook.

    Part 2:

    • Sending Valentine cards to the partnerschools

    Part 3:

    • Corona and emotions. What did Covid do with us? Did we feel the same?