12. Arabia Sarah + (David, David) + VANDER-HOEVEN Lisa

  • Showroom of your correspondence

    David + David


    My Christmas Postcard: Unique Sarah
    Lisa's leaflet
    Order - David, David
    My brochure: Unique Sarah
    ORDER (Unique Sarah)
    Lisa's order to Sarah
    INVOICE: Unique Sarah to Lisa
    Invoice - T-heart
    COMPLAINT: Unique Sarah
    Lisa's invoice to David

    Activity 6

    Lisa's answer to David's order

    activity 6

    Lisa's complaint

    Activity 7

    Activity 9: Business Trip to France (ARABIA Sarah)
    Activity 10: Lisa's trip to Belgium (Sarah Arabia)
    Activity 11 (Unique Sarah)
    My CV (Sarah Arabia) ACTV 12
    Activity 13 ; covering letter (ARABIA Sarah)