Renewable energies

  • Bruno :

    Energy solar photovoltaic or thermal:

    That solar energy is commonly known is the fraction of the energy of solar radiation that reaches the surface of the Earth after being filtered by the atmosphere


    wind power:

    Wind power is the energy of the wind whose driving force is used in the boat travel and other vehicle or processed by a wind turbine device as a wind turbine or a windmill in a diversely usable energy



    Hydropower is the energy from the movement of water in all its forms: fall, river, ocean current, tide, waves

    biomass energy:

    In the field of energy, particularly bioenergy biomass energy is part of the biomass used or usable as an energy source; either directly by combustion (eg wood energy) or indirectly after anaerobic digestion (biogas) or new chemical transformations (agrofuel).


    geothermal energy:

    Geothermal energy from the Greek geo (earth) and thermos (heat) is a word that refers to both the science that studies the internal thermal phenomena of the earth, and technology that seeks to exploit


    Antoine :

    The inappropriate and benefits of renewable energy.
    First a little reminder of what the term renewable energy. Renewable energies are energy sources including natural renewal is fast enough for them to be considered inexhaustible scale of human time.
    There are a multitude of renewable energy but about the advantages and disadvantages I have chosen to talk about the best known.
    We will talk about the four families of energies,

    The first is solar energy is the energy most used in the world the benefit of the sun is that above all, it is a good source of energy and it is also an energy that does not pollute, especially since the light does not cost anything but this beautiful energy has flaws like any other, the first and most logical is that there is no light so no night ' 'energies but also the energy demand a lot of room to be profitable and usable, the panels must be placed in the most profitable place (shadows, ...) and also the panels are very fragile.

    The second is the power Hydraulics is therefore a non-polluting natural energy, but are biggest advantage is that the water is present at about 70% on planet earth that is not nothing. But there are also inappropriate, the first is that dams or other disturb the ecological balance. His biggest problem is that it is one of the most expensive energy (big dam ...)

    The third is the Aeolian energy is one of the most used at present those advantages are: the first is that the wind is going in one direction and day and night it is always present, also all the mechanisms is in the wind so no big factory and it is also a clean energy. But it is inappropriate not to neglect, wind has a visual impact but also cost a very expensive, it also impacts on bird migration.

    The fourth and last is geothermal energy, these advantages are simple, its pollution is not toxic and it is an energy that does not require much space is produced much but it is inappropriate are its rarity, the Installation of the machine is expensive and must transport the energy in the factories ....
    As we can see, renewables are not perfect. For almost every benefit, there is a downside. The largest of those if that's the price. Indeed, wind turbines, dams, hydraulic, solar panels, geothermal system ... all this is very expensive and governments is hard to accept. That is why fossil fuels are still used in mass because they produce more energy. Even if they are exhausted more quickly.

    killian :The introduction of the topic of renewable energy is:

    The sun, water, wind, wood and other plant products are all natural resources capable of generating energy through technologies developed by men. The human use of renewable energy sources, including solar, wind and water, is very old; this type of energy is used since ancient times and its usage continued to exist until the arrival of the "Industrial Revolution"
    We have for example: Renewable energies are inexhaustible, clean and can be used for self-directed manner (since they can be used in the same place where they are produced). They also have the additional advantage to complete them. For example, photovoltaic solar energy provides electricity generated day (usually with little wind) But renewables difficult to win and this for several reasons: Firstly what we can predict our societies still depend heavily on fossil fuels. Oil companies to astronomical gains. Secondly, renewable energy still suffer from a deficiency of efficiency. Too often, the only argument determining the choice of an energy source remains the immediate economic cost.

    Conclusion of the subject of renewable energy is:
    Renewables account for a large part of our energy future. They allow the future development and are a solution to our energy and environmental problems. There are several renewable energy that exist but are rarely used by humans because they have a high cost. Their creation is due to climate change and pollution and gases escaped industries. They have their own advantages to them: they are inexhaustible, environmentally friendly (no waste dumped in nature) compared to fossil fuels such as coal or oil. They are also a source of employment. An argument lets talk more renewable energy, it is the depletion of fossil fuels (coal, oil, ...)

    Anthony :

    solar energy
     To capture light energy from the sun and turn it into electricity using photovoltaic modules.
     These solar modules, with bluish tints, are constituted, in most cases, an assembly of silicon photovoltaic cells.
     Silicon is made from silica (especially present in the sand), abundant material over the Earth.
     But we must make it very pure silicon, which requires a significant energy input.

    wind power
    Using a wind turbine, more commonly known as "wind".
    Operation is simple and inspired by the windmills of technology.
    The machine consists of three blades (generally) carried by a rotor and installed on top of a vertical pole.
     This assembly is secured by a nacelle that houses a generator.
     An electric motor to orient the top so that it is always facing the wind.
    The blades can transform the kinetic energy (energy that has a body due to its motion) of wind into mechanical energy.
    The wind turns the blades between 10 and 25 rpm.
     The blades of the rotational speed is a function of the size thereof.
     More blades are large, they turn less quickly.
    The generator converts mechanical energy into electrical energy.
     Most generators need to rotate at high speed (1000 to 2000 rpm) to generate electricity.
     Thus, the multiplier role is to accelerate the slow movement of the blades.

    Hydropower is the energy provided by the water movement:
    Waterfall, River, Tide ...
    It is used for quite a long time. The
    mills were among the first to use: they
    transformed hydropower energy
    Mechanical for grinding grain
    Today it is the most used renewable energy. She
    12% of French electricity production, which the
    Place second source of electricity generation. at
    world, it represents 19% of total electricity production.
    It is also possible to transform the movement
    water when the tides. Simply place a
    turbine on the way to the water and transform
    the energy of the water during its movement in
    electric energy

    One can also use the energy of the waves. The Pelamis is a
    180m long long tube capable of capturing movement
    waves and convert them into electrical energy

    geothermal energy
    A geothermal plant generates electricity using heat from the Earth that turns the water into groundwater
     steam and helps turn a turbine and a generator.
    1. Water infiltration

    From rain or sea water seeps into the crust fractures to form a tank in the basement, called aquifer, high temperature of 150 to 350 ° C.

    2. The pumping water

    Through a drilling in the basement, hot water is pumped to the surface. During his ascent, it loses its pressure and becomes steam.

    3. Electricity
    The pressure of this steam drives a turbine which in turn operate a generator. Thanks to the energy supplied by the turbine, the generator produces an alternating electrical current.

    4. The adaptation of the voltage

    A transformer raises the voltage of the electrical current produced by the alternator so that it can be more easily carried in the power lines.





    Killian, Bruno, Anthony, Antoine