1. Introduction of the Project


    Revisiting our Grandparents and Parents' Playground 



    Source: https://www.pexels.com/pt-br/foto/menino-segurando-dreidel-3730983/


    Toy Story Project joint planning final version.pdf


    Short Description 

       “Toy Story” is about bringing old toys and games from the past to the present. It is a project that aims at not only getting students to find out how their grandparents and parents used to play when they were children but also getting students to build their own toys and create short stories based on them.  
       We also want our students to be aware of their cultural heritage and traditions, excel in artistic skills, develop the group spirit, as well as to get in touch with different foreign languages and cultures. 




    Students will have the chance to: 

    - improve their cultural heritage awareness. identify traditions and develop a sense of cultural belonging and identity;

    - increase their knowledge of handicraft creation and process;

    - develop their communication and creativity skills;

    - improve their digital skills, by handling different ways of communicating and developing their collaborative work (eg. video clips, picture stories, drawings, posters, photo galleries, etc.); 

    - recognize the use of the English language as a bridge to know other foreign cultures and languages, mainly Slovenian and Portuguese;

    - reflect on what they have learned about the other country and the other culture;
     - promote tolerance and environmental awareness;

    - promote interpersonal relationships, teamwork and co-responsibility; 



    Expected results: 


            In this project, we propose that students tell a “Toy story” based on the old toys their grandparents or parents used to play with when they were children. To be able to do this, students will gather information about those old toys or games, recreate/rebuild them and write a short story. 
        The final product will have to be presented by means of a video/ film, drawings, photos, cartoon, book, stop-motion, etc.