Paikuse Kool, Estonia

  • Paikuse Kool is a basic school with 545 students and 41 teachers. Our students are at the age of 7 - 15 (in primary school 7 - 11). The school is situated in Pärnu near the Pärnu riverbank. Pärnu is in the South - West of Estonia. It is a popular health resort with its sandy beaches and its sea. The area where the school is located is quite advantage one. Social conditions are usually good, there is a strong population increase and also a good economic development, especially in the building industry. The school curriculum includes the teaching of such interesting subjects as chess, dance, art, Archimedes project lessons in Science (Biology, Geography, etc)  In Grade 3 our students start to study English and in Grade 6 the Russian language. The institution is well equipped with ICT facilities. Paikuse Hobby School is located in the same building with Paikuse Basic School. After lessons the students can paint, create ceramic sculptures or deal with media studies there. Paikuse Basic school has a big sports and health care center which is also very popular among the local people. Not far from Paikuse Basic School there is Paikuse Police Collage which is a good partner for our school.

    Over the years the school has established relations with several other schools in Estonia and abroad by participating in many different projects.  For this reason the staff has gained experience in managing and hosting such events.

    Participation in this project will be a huge motivating factor for the students regarding foreign languages.  Some of the language teachers obtained their degrees abroad, so with their language expertise, they can easily guide the students over the language barrier.  We consider that this project would be a great opportunity for our students to recognize the importance of speaking foreign languages.

    Teachers who will take part in this project will surely influence it positively with their experience, professionalism, expertise, ambition, practical sense, respect for students, and motivation regarding their profession.