Srečanje v Celju (Meeting in Celje) - september 2019



    V času od 30. septembra do 2. oktobra smo na Gimnaziji Lava gostili mentorje partnerske šole IES Mar de Alboran iz španske Estepone, s katero sodelujemo v Erasmus+ KA229 projektu »SMART CITIES – European Robotics For Boys and Girls«. Namen te vrste projektov je, da se šole učijo od šol.

    Naše bogate izkušnje na področju robotike (odlični uspehi naših dijakov na mednarodnih tekmovanjih v tujini) 11 dijakov Gimnazije Lava z izvedbo delavnic, prenaša na mlajše španske dijake. Glavni cilj projekta je v STEM poklice (področje znanosti, tehnologije, inženirstva, umetnosti in matematike) usmeriti čim več deklet.



    In the period from 30 September to 2 October our school Gimnazija Lava grammar school hosted mentors from our Spanish partner school IES Mar el Alboran from Estepona, which we cooperate with in Erasmus + KA 229 project SMART CITIES – European Robotics for boys and girls. The purpose of this and similar projects is for schools to learn from one another.

    11 students of our school share our rich experience in the field of robotics (outstanding results of our students at international competitions abroad) with their younger Spanish counterparts through different workshops. The main goal of the project is to motivate more girls to choose STEM careers (careers in the fields of science, technology, engineering, art and mathematics).


    Mediji o dogodku (Media about the event): 


