Smart Cities. European Robotics For Boys and Girls (EuRoB+G)

The goal of EuRoB+G Project is to favor, through robotics and computers and integrated by both boys and girls and through their working together, the inclusion of girls in the new technologies. Looking for motivating activities for both girls and boys and making boys and girls work together and equally in this sector, we want to participate in the breaking of the current digital and technological gender gap that worries us hugely because the boom in this sector, which has a fairly high future perspective but a minimal female presence, causes Society to lose almost 50% of the talent which exists in this Area. In addition, the cooperative work of construction of robots and "smart-cities" that the students are involved in will be carried out throughout the project, the communication that will be maintained over time as well as during the international meetings will improve attainment levels in their Key Competences for Lifelong Learning especially in STEAM-subjects and foreign languages.

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