Introducing ourselves

  • Students

    The planned activities imply all grades in Pre-school and Primary .All students from the different countries will be divided in different blocks to carry out the activities :

    Block 1 …… students from 3 to 5 years old. ( Preschool)


    Block 2 ….. students from 6 to 7 years old. ( Primary 1st-2nd grades )

    Block 3 ….. students from 8 to 9 years old ( Primary 3rd-4th grades ) 

    Block 4 ….. students from 10 to 11/12 years old



    All teachers in the different work blocks , under their corresponding block manager , will have particularly relevance in the implementing of the project and they will be in touch to agree on strategies of action. They will be the guide in all activities related to Plastic Arts, Social Studies, different languages, maths. Specialists will also have special relevance connected with subjecs as English, Music and New Technologies.



    Meeting with families will be done at the beginning of the project and half yearly in order to be informed of the project, its aims, its running and keep it under review. Their participation will be requested in the implementation of some activities whenever necessary .The School Council will be involved in making some of the decisions.


    Local artists

    According to the plastic technics that students work during the project it will be necessary to be in touch with local artists that help us to develop particular activities : modelling, forging… It will also be necessary to call on the services of regional guides for the visits to museums, buildings or monuments related to the worked artists.


    Local government

    We will also resquest the local governments cooperation in the exhibition of students productions and in all actions which are required. It is noteworthy that the local governments in the different partner countries are already heavily involved in the process of education carried out by our schools.