Expected results


    Our main objective is to work the different curricular subjects through this working methodology, that is bringing our students closer to reading seeing and facing it from a different point of view, with greater motivation, interest and experience, as well as creating an awareness of respect and understanding for other cultures and for the importance of creating spaces democratically represented where all of us are equal and have the same rights and representation.

    We will carry out different types of workshops and activities, which we will open to families, so that the entire educational community participates and becomes aware of this work and its importance in a climate of peace, freedom and tolerance in which we should move as members of a democratic state and in which these boys and girls are going to grow.

    We will open Twinspaces pages to share these and other activities that not only us but also our students or their families can propose. In this way we hope to improve Reading interest and motivation in our kids, improving their curricular results through motivation and the use of different strategies and activities and with the involvement of school families. And, of course, we hope to improve the work climate in our classrooms, developing attitudes of respect, collaboration and being part of a team, even being international, in which everyone's decisions are important and count as their own.