1. About the project

  • ANIMALS MAGAZINE (2018-19)

    1. About the project.

    This project lasts from December to February-March and English is the target language for students. Pupils aged 8-9 will create a relationship along the project and work in cooperative groups with students from the same school and collaboratively with the students from other partners’ schools, in order to create an Animals Magazine together.


    2. Aims.

    • Create a relationship with foreign partners and locate their countries in a European map.
    • Enhance all four communicative skills in English
    • Organize cooperative groups in the same school to fill a table with some information about animals.
    • Organize international groups (2-4 members from each school) to describe some parts of the animals.
    • Use some web 2.0 tools to work cooperatively.
    • Create an online magazine with the animal descriptions in collaboration.
    • Create a classroom magazine with the collaborative work created by children in order to wide our classroom library.


    3. Partners

    England  ---- 22 children from year 2 (6-8 years old)

    Italy  --------- 43 children from year 4 (8-9 years old)

    Turkey ------- 43 children from year 3 (8-9 years old)

    Slovakia ----- 28 children from year 3 (8-9 years old)

    Spain --------- 42 children from year 3 (8-9 years old)


    3. Work – Process.

    (For opening the project)

    The project starts on December and finishes on February – March. The tasks will be the following.

    1. Children are grouping and some usernames and passwords will be created.
    2. Create National groups to work cooperatively in the same school. Each school fill features of a vertebrate animal from a table shared in the twinspace.
    3. Create International groups to work collaboratively (2-4 partners from each school). Each school will be responsible of write some features of each animal in a powerpoint shared to children to work.
    4. Children do self-assess and co-evaluation. Teacher assessment.
    5. Show collaborative results during all the process.



    Before starting the project:

    1. An event must be organized in order to explain all doubts before starting the project.



    1. A project explanation will be shared with all the partners, as well as a google spreadsheet where first files are created.



    1. Each school creates a list of animals that children would like to describe.
    2. Children will be grouping by 2 – 4 students. There must be the same amount of groups in all the schools. I propose 10 groups in total, as this is easier to manage.
    3. Each school will assign a username and password for each of their groups, in order to let students enter into the FORUMS to talk and decide the work they will do. 
    4. Information on the pages will be uploaded by the teachers.
    5. Children will be grouped depending on their interests.
    6. Children create with the teacher RUBRICS in order to agree with what will be the excellence to achieve. A template will be given (Spanish students have done one). Each school will upload their own rubrics to the Twinspace before starting the project; in order to let students know what do we expect the do.




    Activities to do

    Responsible person



    Preactivity. Send Christmas Cards to partners to let children start the project knowing where are their partners from.

    Photos must be uploaded by showing cards received from children.




    Children locate their school on the map and see where their partners are.

    All members with children.



    A list will be added in a Twinspace page to let students know what animals they can choose.

    Teachers with the help of children.



    Create groups and access to the twinspace (username and passwords)

    Children / Teachers



    Each school chooses one animal to describe (a total of 5 per group) (one school = one animal) and write their name on the table (attach 1)

    Children by forums



    Upload RUBRICS to the twinspace to share with the partners. We will have the same rubric to assess. (Beginning of the project)




    Each National group will fill a table with some features about the animal chosen. (attach 2)

    Children. National groups



    Self assessment. Children have a look at the rubrics to see if they have written correctly their animal features. Teacher will assess them if they don’t find the answer.

    Children and teacher.

    Last week of Jan


    Each International group will write a part of the description for each animal of the group. It will be assigned by colours. (Attach 3)

    Children International groups.



    Self assessment. Children have a look at the rubrics to see if they have written correctly. Teacher will assess them if they don’t find the answer.

    Children groups.

    Ending Feb


    Co evaluation. Children assess their partner schools by the help of the rubrics.

    Children groups.

    Ending Feb


    Teacher assessment. Teachers fill a questionnaire through google form.




    Fill Students Questionnaire

    Children individually

    Ending Feb


    Show collaborative result on the net by book creator.

    Each teacher will be responsible of two groups.

    To do so, each partner will copy and paste the work done by two groups to our collaborative ANIMALS MAGAZINE. It will be uploaded at our twinspace


    March - April


    Each teacher will print and create an animal’s magazine for the library corner of her classroom. Images of the magazines must be uploaded to the twinspace.


    March - April


    Each partner applies for the National Quality Label.


    March - April




    - Mary Joe will be the responsible of opening pages in the Twinspace and upload the tables and share templates.

    - All partners will upload some images from children creating their descriptions and taking decisions of the project.


    4. Expected results.

    • Collaborative Animal’s magazine online.
    • Collaborative Animal’s magazine on paper.
    • Be able to work cooperatively and collaboratively in national and international groups in order to get a common work
    • Be able to self-assess and assess to partners by RUBRICS.
    • Web 2.0.: zeemaps, Videos, photos, Google presentation, Google form, google doc, google search, book creator, …
    • Fluent communication among partners. (email, hangouts, twinspace)
    • IMPORTANT: Collaboration among partners and respect for deadlines in order to give enough time for partners to do their work.

    WHAT ANIMALS ARE YOU INTERESTED IN_proposal from Spain.pdf

    Animals magazinet_attach 2.pdf

    Animals magazinet_attach 3.pdf