
    The Star Child by Oscar Wild, presented by our second graders.

    Team from Cyprus

    The Starchild.pptx


    Painted stories ...
    The students painted a picture entitled "My dream come true."

    Then they talked about their dreams.

    Gdynia- Poland, Aneta Kleisa


    Retro Tales Festival under our tree in Gdynia (

    Slide projector from the 80s and cartoons without text...

    Children talked about slides and made stories and fairy tales.

    It's amazing that the same slides created completely different stories in different groups of children.

    Aneta Kleisa


    May 9, 2019, Europe Day and eTwinning Day.

    On May 9th we were celebrating Europe Day and eTwinning Day in our team. On this day students were dressed up as characters associated with the chosen European country. They looked amazing! We saw a Spanish dancer, a Portugal footballer, a girl in traditional Bavarian clothing and many more.


    During the event we watched films, discussed the history of European Union, its symbols and interesting facts about European countries. We learnt a few words in various European languages, danced the Zorba dance, coloured maps, sang the EU anthem and solved different puzzles. But first and foremost, we had a great fun!

    Then we played games using the Learning Apps application to consolidate our knowledge about the EU. It was a great day!




    We listened to fairy tales from vinyl records under our tree ...
                 Retro Tales Festival, continued.... (The next meeting)

    Team from Gdynia, Poland - Aneta Kleisa


    Team from Rzeszów. Our stories created from the titles of books.

    On April 2nd we celebrated the International Children’s Book Day.

    That special day we spent an amazing time in the realm of books - the school library. Our librarian Mrs. Agnieszka reminded the titles of the most popular positions for kids and as always encouraged systematic borrowing.

    The titles of books became the basis for an unusual task on this day. Our team was divided into groups that selected books, so that their titles created interesting stories. This required students to be ingenious and develop imagination. We managed very well. Children showed creativity and the ability to cooperate in group. The effects of cooperation were a pleasure to listen to!



    Our students wrote the stories about tomorrow inspired by photographs of famous artists.

    Tomorrow will be different. Better.
    If we do not take care of the environment, then tomorrow life in the sea will disappear.
    We can prevent such a future being ecological.
    We can, among other things, not throw garbage into the sea.
    The picture shows people who clean the beach after an oil spill.
    The problem will be solved tomorrow.
    People will come and clean the beach.
    Helpers will bring new equipment with them.
    Tomorrow, people who were involved in beach cleaning will be rewarded.
    People from the photo will have a feeling that they have helped to save life in the sea.
    Let's be like them, and Earth will not die.
    Let's be like them, and tomorrow will be better.

    Primary School No.23 in Gdynia


    For the Human Rights Day I read 5 tales and pupils have found the rights of the characters . I read them under our storytelling tree....  This is our wall:

    Team from Italy


    Fairy birds that came to our tree to Gdynia

    We made beautiful, colorful paper birds.

    We told stories of these birds and their adventures.

    Then we placed the birds on our tree.

    Primary School No.23 in Gdynia - Aneta Kleisa


    Winter's tale from Rzeszow

    When we were sitting under our storytelling tree in our classroom, we made stories about snowflakes falling from the clouds…. At first, we learnt about the construction of snowflakes. Then we designed snowflakes using the Paint program.

    Then we made paper snowflakes.

    While playing and dancing with the paper snowflakes, we were telling stories, which we invented about their experiences and fate, when they fell to the ground. Listen to and read them. Some of the children, with the help of their parents, prepared them in English.


    Maja's story.docx

    Then we designed artworks showing the world covered with snow.


    We think that winter is the great time for making stories!


    We've made "treasure maps" for our mysterious, amazing stories, full of adventures and surprises.

    Team from Gdynia - Aneta Kleisa


    Just before Christmas break at school, we read a beautiful, but very sad story by H.Ch. Andrersen “The little match girl”. We were sitting under our Storytelling Tree decorated with stars and angels and listening to the best-reading colleague from our class. Then we were discussing the problems in the story.

    One of the lessons of The Little Match Girl was to behave charitably towards those who are less fortunate.

    Finally, we were drowing pictures showing what happened in the story.

    You can watch them here


    Harry Potter Book Night at EB nº2 da Lousã school Library
    On February, 7th when night was falling around 40 students /wizards trespassed platform 9 and 3 quarters and entered the magic world of Harry Potter's books and stories. It all happened at EB nº2 da Lousã school library. Then, 4 teams were made according to the sorting hat and many games played: puzzles, word soup, maze, painting and reading excerpts in Portuguese and English. Finally, it was time to taste cookies and delicious cakes together. Students, teachers and parents have spent a wonderful evening at the school library.
    We invited the first class to hear stories about teddy bears. Kamishibai's book was made by our students during the project - "Storytelling Tree".
    Team from Gdynia- Poland
    On the last day of school the children of the kindergarten came to do a painting workshop on the tree history exhibition.
    Team from Italy

    Our meeting with Polish writer for kids Joanna Krzyżanek. Mrs. Joanna is a master of oral stories!

    Rzeszów Team

    We've painted summer and autumn trees.
    On the trees we have pinned the poems of Polish poets about the upcoming autumn.
    Team from Gdynia
    Aneta Kleisa