Project information

  • Project code:2018-1-EL01-KA201-047659

    Website of our project

    eTwinning project

    eTwinning group


    The project page is for pupils' work.


    The project intends to impact on th​​​​​​​e problems related to lack of literacy, of early school leaving and dropout which are interlinked to schooling problems that obstacle a full and effective integration of teenagers into the educational and training systems, using Traditional Arts and Crafts as a powerful tool. The revival story of each traditional craft, material or tool, began with the passion of dedicated individuals and communities. In order to pass on this craft's heritage, it’s important to preserve the quality materials and tools that are so essential to its survival, as well as support the next generation of craftspeople. Paying efforts to revive craft traditions and rediscovering each product as a symbol of the area from which it originated offers great potential for reaching the Erasmus+ transversal key competences as set out by the Reference Framework: learning to learn, social and civic competences, sense of initiative and entrepreneurship and cultural awareness and expression.

    The consortium aimed at involving the target-groups of the project in the main activities of the project in order to address their needs more properly. Thus, a survey will be carried out in all partners‘countries with the collaboration of educators and early school leavers. A collection of learning techniques considered as good practices will be promoted. The findings of both activities will contribute to defining the contents of the Guide"Rediscovering the Lost Crafts: didactic and inclusive practice to fight school failure, early school leaving and dropping out”

    Themed workshops are going to be one of the major activities to be completed in the 2nd year of the project. As such, the most important outcomes produced so far are

    1. the Guide containing the conclusions about the current needs of the target groups and several techniques to promote creativity and an entrepreneurial spirit;
    2. a short documentary on Traditional Arts and Crafts.