About project


    The project Start Your Own Business is aimed at developing entrepreneurship skills and supporting self-employment, encouraging learners' creativity by promoting entrepreneurial culture, initiative, critical thinking and risk assessment. All these factors are the basis for developing and applying business strategies while taking economic freedom, initiative and competitiveness into consideration.

    Guidelines for implementing entrepreneurship in education are  set out in the European Charter for Small Enterprises (2000), Green Paper on Entrepreneurship in Europe (2003),  the Oslo Agenda for Entrepreneurship Education in Europe (2006),  the Small Business Act for Europe (2008) and Europe 2020 (2010), which follows the Lisbon Strategy (2000) and stresses sustainable economic growth based on knowledge.

    The main goal of this project is the modernisation of vocational curricula of partner schools, based on the outcomes of acquiring entrepreneurship skills and competences. Curricula will be updated in accordance with changes on the local, regional and international labour market.

    A modern VET system must  enable students to analyse current trends and foresee new ones on the labour market. It must also adjust  to the needs of the labour market, which leads to a different educational approach.

    Partner schools will implement newly acquired skills and competences in teaching  through subject correlation and by introducing Entrepreneurship as an optional subject. This will  ensure sustainabilty of the project.

    Through practical work in training firms, students will not only develop entrepreneurship skills, but also business communication, mathematical competences in order  to analyse marketing trends, marketing skills using ICT, as well as social and citizenship skills.

    Subject correlation will help students to develop key skills and competences needed in entrepreneurship, i.e.  to start up their own business.

    Two multimedia handbooks will be published:

    - Entrepreneurship in the Classroom – for teachers

    - Step by Step Towards Your Own Business – for students.

    These handbooks will be the first to deal with entrepreneurship in a multimedia way. They will have an interactive content and combine texts, pictures, videos, animations and sound, making learning more interesting and appealing .