Birds of Latvia

  • White Wagtail

    The Latvian national bird. This tireless, highly energetic bird is frequently mentioned in Latvian folk songs as a symbol of hard work and industriousness. It likes to nest in building rafters, woodpiles and other man-made objects, and is most frequently seen scurrying across the ground in search of twigs for its nest and food for its little ones. As its name implies, it rapidly wags its tail up and down as it dashes about. 


    A stout common song-bird.Occurs mainly in spruce-dominated woodland throughout the year.Partial migrant. In winter can be observed more often. Usually breeds in a small dense spruce. Altricial. Feeds on buds of various trees, berries, weed seeds. During non-breeding period form flocks and wander in search for food.


    A large bird, most often observed during migration.Occurs on larger bogs.Winters in northern Africa. Breeds in scattered pairs,mainly in inaccessible bog areas.Nest is on the ground.Precocial. Initially feeds on insects.Adults feed on berries,vegatation seeds, new sprouts, a little on insects and frogs.Very fearful and cautious.During migration sometimes occurs in open sites- cropped fields and meadows.Population number has declined markedly.

    Great Tit

    A very common song-bird.Occurs in forests,parks,gardens,often in urban ares throughout the year.A partial migrant.Breeds in tree holes and nestboxes.Altricial.Feeds chiefly on insects and their catepillars,kills forest and garden pests.In non-breeding periods gathers in small flocks.Readily visits birds tables in winter.


    A large, relatively common gull. Occurs on various water bodies, marshes, bogs, often near the sea coast. In ice-free waters observed throughout the year, mainly on the coast. Breeds on islands on high bog lakes, usually in small colonies. Recently began breeding  on shallow coastal lakes and in towns.  Precocial. Initially fed by parents with partially digested food. Adults feed on insects, rodents, small birds, waste human foodstuff, destroy other birds’ nests.



    A common bird in Latvian landscape. Occurs on cultivated areas, meadows. Migratory, winters in southern Africa. Readily breeds near human settlements using man-made foundation for nest. Nests not only on trees but also on water-towers, telegraph poles, roofs. The nest is reused for a number of years. Altricial. Feeds on small animals such as frogs, snakes, insects, small rodents, sometimes on eggs and nestlings of other bird species. In some places of the republic storks breed in small colonies.



    A typical nesting bird in Latvia, lives in urban and rural areas. It avoids extensive woodlands, grasslands, and deserts away from human development. It feeds mostly on seeds of grains and weeds, but it also eats small insects and other food.