Polish 100th Anniversary of Regaining Independence

  • Celebrating freedom!

         Well, it’s been a month since we celebrated out 100th Anniversary of Regaining Independence. Though it may sound boring, at our Centre the celebrations were exceptional. You could experience the atmosphere of the old days in various ways. Hungry? Taste a specially prepared food - the way the Polish used to eat a hundred ago. You had a chance to decide which was more astonishing – the exceptional goose or colourful, folk – clad ladies and gentlemen who served it.

    After the main meal time for something sweet. Where else to go but to ‘Pod Pikadorem’ Cafe? However, the dessert seemed to be the least attraction, because there you could hear and meet the elite of Polish poetic word of the time in the flesh and, what is more, really buy their attention (the price list for a few minutes of conversation, autograph or an offer for marriage included)! Kazimierz Wierzyński a Polish artist presented there his skilfully written poem “Jestem jak szampan” (‘I Am Like Champagne’) Interested how it continued? Ask our students – some of them tried to present their own interpretation of this and other piece of work. (Besides the cakes were yummy :D).

    The old days’ everyday life– what did it look like? Old school register, a lady’s party bag, a real telephone (not a mobile) special bowl to make bread or accessories for horse riding and care where for you at hand to touch or try as well as money and wages from the period. Enough to say here – better be a doctor than a maid.

    Last but not least – the music. Life music. Our students and the invited public sang together. Some old patriotic songs which expressed how it was like to say goodbye to the loved ones when they set out to fight for freedom or the uplifting vision of the soldiers who were ready to sacrifice their own needs for a greater cause. The serious over, we went to sing some leisure songs of the time – beautiful melodies and meaningful lyrics. ‘Już nie zapomnisz mnie’ (‘Now You Will Not Forget Me’) - one of the songs of those old days speaks for itself – it’s good to remember!

    The parting moment of celebration was Friday 11.11 – students of various schools met in their places to sing our national anthem together – Dąbrowski Mazurka. ‘Jeszcze Polska nie zgineła’ (Poland has not perished’) as the first words say sounded all over the country. You can see us here  https://www.facebook.com/kpsoswnr1wbydgoszczy/videos/832006860478245/https://www.facebook.com/kpsoswnr1wbydgoszczy/videos/832006860478245/ 

    So, the final words cannot be other than these: may our country flourish for many years! Happy Birthday, Poland – once again!