Team Blue

  • The team-members:

     Ilaria R., Jussi, Raffaele, Alice

     Vincent, Verapat, Arnaud A.

     Margot, Arthur, Britt, Lowie

    Team folder: 

    in the team folder students shared their job until they have the final scientific report.

    The experiment:

    Does a specific way of playing a volleyball have an effect on the speed and trajectory of that ball?

    Blue team - scientific report.pdf

  • Pictures and videos taken during the experiment

    Experiment Belgium

    Arthur and Margot preparing the experiment

    Playing the ball underhand

    The space between the two pieces of tape is 2 meters

    Smashing the ball
    Playing the ball overhand
    French attempt 1
    French attempt 2
    French attempt 3
    French attempt 4
    Blue Team experiment - Italian students
    Blue Team - reference measure (Italy)