Team Yellow

  • The team-members:

     Tommaso, Alessia, Ilaria M., Simone, Martino

     Samuel, Pierre

     Kaat, Julie, Merel, Alexander

    Team folder:

    in the team folder students shared their job until they have the final scientific report.

    The experiment:

    What's the difference in traveled distance of a basketball and a volleyball when punched with the same strenght?

    Yellow team - scientific report.pdf

  • Pictures and videos taken during the experiment

    Belgium: attempt 1 volley-ball
    Belgium: attempt 1 basketball
    Belgium: attempt 2 basketball
    Belgium: attempt 2 volley-ball
    Italy:experiment basketball/volleyball
    French experiment 1
    French experiment 2

    The space between the red lines is 3m80


    The mass of the basketball is 589 g and of the volley-ball 280 g.

    Experiment Belgium

    Julie trowing the ball

    Reference measure