Subjects for Teams

  • Students will prepare Educational cartoons, posters and games about related subject:

    Suggested Web Site& Application :Cartoon:



    Team Number/ Advisor Teacher  Subject

    TEAM 1- Asiye

     History of Internet (World).

    History of Internet (In my country)

    TEAM 2- Asiye

    Digital Footprint.

    Internet Security.

    TEAM 3- Asiye

    Social Media.


    TEAM 4- Raül Connecting to the Internet
    TEAM 5 -Raül Internet of Things

    TEAM 6- Asiye / Raül

    TCP/IP/ Network Commands

    TEAM 7- Raül

    How we can design code a web page?

    What is XML , PHP , ASP and CSS?


    Team 1/ 1: Coding XML- Advisor Teacher Raül

    Team 1/ 2 web Design Tools -  Advisor Teacher Asiye