Phase One of our project: September 18 - January 19
September 2018
Set up Twinspace; pupils introduce themselves and their schools on Twinspace
October 2018
Create and share portraits of jobs around us - videos, presentations, texts, artwork, … Traditional and modern jobs, typical jobs in our area, jobs across Europe, ... Use these portraits to create an online compendium of jobs in the Twinspace - in English. Add the titles of each job in our four languages. Subjects potentially involved in producing the job portraits (depending on each school's curriculum): native and foreign language lessons, art lessons, ICT lessons, careers lessons.
November 2018
Continue work on job portraits. Publish work on Twinspace.
Local businesses invited to present themselves at our schools
December 2018
Prepare for meeting in Finnland
January 2019
Finnland: Practical skills - for work, for life
February 2019
Disseminate results of visit to Finnland within our schools. Update Erasmus Corner boards. Work on practical skills within our schools and share results on Twinspace. Subjects involved: lessons teaching practical skills such as cooking, woodworking, etc. Share best practice.