17. Conclusion

  •     The aims of this project were acheived.

    In the first part students formed the conceptof a hero  and learnt a lot about the characteristics and distinctive features of the national heroes. They try to distinguish these charateristics in three national heroes presented.

    In the second part, students, after studying the life and work of many heroes, evaluated not only the charity of the heroes for the benefit of society and the achievement of a certain important idea for the people, but also the hero's purposefulness and effectiveness in pursuing the goals he has set up. Children realized that  heroes that live among us have the same aspects of the character with the national heroes. Also, that everybody can be a  hero for someone else with no external but inner motivation!

    The real profit was children's  initiative to help the heroes continue to be heroes for those who need help!

    In the third part, students studying the heroes of their favourite  books, realized, for another time the commonn charateristics of a hero.

    The project, during all the year was related to the cross curriculum program with visits, presentations etc.