No poverty

  • The legend of Saint Martin

    on the 11th of November we celebrate this good action:

    sharing is caring...

    Check this collaborative work.

    and play our game



    German team packed and sent a parcel to Greece for refugee camp 


    Portugal sent a parcel to Greece too but we didn't took pictures. We forgot :/

    Today, December 13, we visit an institution that helps families.


    We contacted the Coordinator of the Myrsini Center, Mr Giorgos Aggelopoulos, and the Coordinator of Education at the Myrsini Refugee School in Lechaina, Mrs Alexandra Diamantopoulou. We arrranged a visit on Thursday, December 20th 2018. 

    The coordinator of Education told us that they needed inks to print worksheets and drawings for the kindrgarten and  primary Refugee School. We bought some black and white and coloured inks to use in their printer aand put them in a Santa Clau gift bag.

    Lessons for the refugees take place in the afternoon, when the morning classes of the pupils of the village have finished.

    First we drove to Myrsini at 1:30. We met the Coordinator of the Myrsini Center, Mr Giorgos Aggelopoulos, the Pavlos Dimakopoulos, Permanent employee of the Reception and Identification Service in the Ministry for Migration Policy, General Secretariat for Migration Policy and the Coordinator of Education at the Myrsini Refugee School in Lechaina, Mrs Alexandra Diamantopoulou. We also visited some parts of the camp.

    Then we went to their school. There are two classes. One for the 6-9 and one for the 9-12 year old students. The students were very happy to sse your gifts. One of them had a relative in Germany and some others new people who had gone through Portugal. They thanked the teachers and students from Portugal and Germany.

    All the communication was in ENglish as they can speak better English. They are now learning Greek. The very young ones could not undrestand Greek at all and knew very little English. One of the classmates was there to help in the translation.

    Their teachers said that they will make cards for you after Christmas.