e Interview

  • Nevin GÜVENDİK- Şehit Murat Kocatürk Anadolu İmam Hatip Lisesi(İstanbul)

    Nesrin ÇETİNKAYA- Gazi Anadolu Lisesi(Ankara)

    Özkan AKDUĞAN- Vali Muammer Güler Sosyal Bilimler Lisesi(İstanbul)

    Yasemin SÜREN ÖZGÜR- Sabuncuoğlu Şerafeddin Mesleki ve Teknik Anadolu Lisesi (Amasya)

    Filiz GÖKÇE ZENGİN- Atatürk Mesleki ve Teknik Anadolu Lisesi (Samsun)

    Seda BARIŞ BIYIK- Süleyman Nazif Anadolu Lisesi (İstanbul)

    Nuray ARPACI-TOBB Sosyal Bilimler Lisesi (Kırklareli)

    Özlem SENAN YILMAZ- Çorlu İMKB Fen Lisesi (Tekirdağ)

    Tuba GÖKSU- Girmeli Çok Programlı Anadolu Lisesi (Mardin)

             As an agreed decision of the project partners we decided to have an e-interview with Prof.Dr.Ayşe Feride Acar who has been studying on gender equality for almost forty years as an academician in METU,Ankara. In collaboration, the questions of the interview were prepared by all partners.

    interview questions.docx

             Gazi Anatolian High School was the representative of the project in Ankara to hold the live event in METU. The e-interview was held on 13th June and all partners joined the live event online.This e-interview was a great chance for all the project partners to meet with Prof.Dr.Ayşe Feride Acar and ask her questions.







               And the students of Gazi Anatolian High School had an interview with Prof.Dr.Ayşe Feride Acar to get information about her studies,duties and achievements on ''Gender Equality'' which is the 5th goal of Sustainable Development of United Nations.