

    Article about the end of the project


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    Act Green Web-site of Dimotiko Scholeio Plateos Imathias Greece


    Virtual Mobility in Greece 21-23 April 2021

    (Dissemination article on pan-Hellenic school network)


    Imathia Primary Education Department-Dissemination of Primary Schools' Activities

    On this site which concerns exclusively educational projects you can read posts of ''Act Green'' activities of primary school of Platy (search by name Maria Tachtsoglou)



    Event: 5 June 2019, ''World Environment Day''

    Event at our school. 1st and 2d graders present issues related to the brown bear that lives in the Greek forests and they tell us stories of bear abuse years ago. The 5th and 6th grade students present a theatrical event about the air pollution and its negative consequences. Also, the students mentioned the significant benefits of implementing ''Act Green'' activities to raise public awareness about environmental protection. Teachers from neighboring schools, all the parents of our students and everyone who loves to listen about nature are invited in the event.


    Event: June 2019 ''Celebration for Europe 2019''

    Εvent dedicated to Europe. Primary and secondary schools from two different prefectures of Northern Greece present implementation of their European programs. Dissemination of the ''Act Green'' project by Maria Tachtsoglou, headmaster of the school.


    Event: July 2019, Athens, YouSmile 3d Annual Awards

    We participated in the Pan-Hellenic competition ''YouSmile'' with activities that are part of the ''Act Green'' project and they concern about the protection of the environment, the volunteering and the active citizenship. Our students organized cleaning activities in the local community and events about protection of natural wealth. 

    "The Smile of the Child" and the European Student Voluntary Network "YouSmile" organized the 3rd Annual Awards. The goal through the awards is to highlight actions and initiatives of children (individual or group), who had a positive impact on their social environment and inspired other children or adults. The 3rd Annual "YouSmile" Awards is a student competition approved by the Ministry of Hellenic Education. Another goal of ''YouSmile'' is the children themselves to inform and be informed about their rights, to participate in actions aimed at defending them, having at their disposal all the appropriate "tools". ''YouSmile'' gives the children the step to talk and act on everything that concerns them, without any intervention from adults. Ιn this competition our school won the first prize. It was a great opportunity to present our ''Act Green'' Erasmus+ project which makes us to feel proud. An event was held at the Michalis Kakogiannis Foundation in Athens and our school was represented by the students of 5th grade, Apostolos Planitsiadis and Dimitra Kekidou. The photos are from the event in Athens. The students were accompanied by the school principal, Maria Tachtsoglou and the teacher, Stefania Arzoglou.

    Dissemination article on online Imathia's newspaper


    Event: September 2019

    Event at our school, 6th graders present to teachers, parents and students the results of the Mobilities to Vialonga-Portugal and Kangasala-Finland. They present the objectives of the ''Act Green'' project, the activities they will deal with during the school year 2019-2020 and the mobilities which will take place next months.


    Event: ''Erasmus Days 10,11,12 October 2019''

    Students from different grades presented topics on the cultural heritage of European countries. They also presented to the other students of our school the page and alltogether they played the game ''Find the european flags'' and the play ''Let's go to explore Europe''


    Event: Erasmus Days, 16 October 2020 (covid-19 period)

    Event at our school in the context of Erasmus Days 2020. Students of 6th grade painted the logo of the ''Act Green'' on the outside wall of the school and designed posters to disseminate the erasmus projects which are implemented by our school.

    Also 6th graders under the guidance of the visual arts teacher they painted a large drawing on the outside wall of the school on Keith Haring works supporting the rights of children to play in nature, to enjoy activities in a clean environment.

    2d and 3d grade students dealt with the Myth of Europe and painted it as they imagined it.