• Welcome to your team's collaborative space. Here you will find all you need to work together with your European team-mates and create all together ONE final infographic.


    COMMUNICATION:  link to your forum thread to exchange and discuss about this task

    Use colours, links, bullet points, etc. to make communication clear and easy. Update your team-mates at the end of each session - tell them what you have been doing and you plan to do, ask for advice, share your point of view, support and encourage them if you like their work, etc.

    MATERIAL COLLECTION: link to your Twinspace folder to collect the (copyright-free!) images to be used

    Give a clear title to your images and write the credits (photo/drawing by ..... via ......) as you will need to mention them at the bottom of your infographic. Write also the image URL to find it again easily later.

    COLLABORATION: link to your collaborative document (Google doc) to organize your ideas and material for this task

    All the team members will add their contributions on this shared document, then organise this information coherently to be copy-pasted on the infographic. Choose a colour for your national group and write only in this colour. Respect each other's work (if you disagree with something don't delete it, tell your partners in the forum and find a compromise together).

    Where to find information?

    Lots of resources on page 3,


    You can also use the images and articles you collected in this FORUM

    CREATION: Go to https://www.easel.ly/auth/login. Use your team username:5GENDEREQUALITY. Use the passwod: rloPm. You can create your infographic after you all agree on the template or layout, fonts and colours.