About the project

  • About the project

    Project entitled « Play to grow » will involve cooperation between schools from three European countries: France, Poland and Greece. It will be carried out parallel to our approved KA229 ERASMUS+ project under the same title and it will last for two years. We consider a game as a universal language bonding all social groups and therefore our aim is to discover its place in different European pedagogies. We believe that paying attention to games and their use in teaching and learning will provide opportunities for all the children – even the shy and with the foreign backgrounds - to play, listen, talk, experiment, investigate, and to develop intellectually, physically, socially and emotionally. Moreover, we want to use games as a mean of helping fighting school failure and students’ difficulties.


    Taking part in Erasmus+ project will offer wide-ranging benefits for pupils and teachers from our schools. It will give them an opportunity to gain first-hand knowledge of French, Polish and Greek culture and give them a better sense of a multicultural Europe, its diversity and will help them become responsible global citizens. International work can also provide teachers with great opportunities for professional development, new ideas for teaching and therefore expand their teaching repertoire. Moreover, the project will encourage teachers and their pupils to enhance and improve their language and ICT skills, e.g. organising an online meeting with project partners, playing online games.
    We want to involve a wider community into the project, ie. parents, senior citizens, local authorities in order to strengthen the bonds between all these groups and in order to develop intergenerational relations. 

    Project development

    The responsibility of planning all the activities will be shared among all collaborating partners, following the outline of our KA229 Erasmus+ application. The eTwinning platform will be used to promote the sustainability of the project and to facilitate.
    Throughout the whole project, several online meetings of teachers and students are planned. Moreover, a number of teacher mobilities are scheduled. They aim at exchanging good practices. 
    We will definitely ensure sound management by using the e-Twinning portal which will, of course, facilitate and simplify our work during project implementation, development and the dissemination of its results. With our participation in Erasmus+ we intend to share ideas and find out new teaching practices that will improve the way we teach, making teachers more effective and keeping students motivated. We are going to have our TwinSpace as a common ground for sharing our practices and our students’ work. All the material that will appear in the Pages section will be organized so that everyone will be able to follow the development of the project, presenting both the tasks carried out online and the ones which are the results of our visits to partner countries. 

    Expected outcomes

    The main product of our project will be a public TwinSpace, accessible to students, parents, teachers and anyone else who might take interest in its theme. Moreover, we will write a blog focused on our project where we will also upload the e-book summarising our work (in French, Polish, Greek and English), photos and videos and other important documents. The blog and the e-book will give us the opportunity to share our experience with other people. In order to make these final products known to people, all possible social media will be concerned.
    Another expected result is the creation of a resource bank of nursery rhymes, online games, etc. 
    Through observation in classes in foreign countries, teachers will learn about other educational systems and pedagogical practices. The exchanges between partners will allow the evolution of own teaching practices and creation or improvement of internal educational programmes.