Task 1 :possible and impossible interview

  •  Task 1: possible and impossible interviews

    Fill in  the chart and choose with whom you want to collaborate with, write your suggested characters, possible and impossible interviews (Click here)

    *Each team creates the google presentations of the characters students intend to interview and upload the link in the document below.

    *Each team creates the google presentations of the two interviews ( possible and impossible) and upload the link in the document below. 

     Working Steps:

    1. Fill in the above document to choose a partner you are going to collaborate with. Name your group, please 

    2. After choosing a name for your group, you will find 2 threads with your group name in the forums "possible interview " and "impossible interview". So it's time to let your students discuss celebrities they are going to choose for their interviews.

    Questions  in the forum for possible and impossible interview:

    1. Possible interview: Who do you think are the ten most famous living people in the world, from the world of show business i.e. films, music, sport etc.whom you would like to portray in an interview?

    2. Impossible interview: Who do you think is a legendary figure from history /music /sport etc whom you would like to portray in an interview?
    3. if the members of the same group do not agree on the two characters, they can use a voting tool such as tricider.

    4. Before voting students  present the suggested characters in a shared document *

    5. Then they will write 2 interviews (possible/impossible)  for their podcasts in a shared document​.*​ (each segment of the podcast should last maximum 3 minutes)

    6. Each team designates four readers, ( two for the possible and two for the impossible). Each Teacher will record his/ her students' voices of his/ her team (questions or answers - possible and impossible interview-one by one. on vocaroo or similar to create mp3 files).​Then one of the two teachers will assemble all the impossible and then possible interview questions and answers mp3 files on https://audio-joiner.com/it/. ​Later the teacher uploads the assembled file on https://www.podomatic.com/ to create the collaborative podcasts 

    P.S. there will be a video conference:  and  the students will introduce themselves and will read the interviews 

    At the end of task 1. The students will vote for the best interview. (triciders)

