Xmas and New Year cards from e-waste materials!Enjoy our Video!
OŠ Vladimira Nazora Pribislavec, Croatia
Greeting cards with e-waste materials!
Happy New Year!(These greeting cards are created with e-waste.)
Welcome 2109 and happy new year to all eTwinners!
e waste cards
scratch cards
scratch card
Students first scratch coding for Xmas and New Year Wishes
IC Sante Giuffrida - Catania Italy
ROMANIA Greeting cardsTapalagă IoanaVicoveanu Vlad-GeorgeCurcuță DianaMiea Daria și AnastasiaParascanu SebastianBianca MurărașuEnciu Ioana și Gradinaru AlexandraȘtefana TincuCojocariu Simona