The Italian school in Madrid

  • Our pupils in classes 3 B and 3 C primary school joined with enthusiasm to celebrate their European day of languages. Being a bilingual school we daily are aware of the richness of languages meetings and crossings.

    Today we had a " last minute" videocall with the German partner. The German girls were amazing, we shared pictures and we sang along! 

    We didn't take pictures at the videocall. Here the children are working at their project poster 


    Stiamo festeggiando la Giornata Europea delle lingue. Abbiamo creato un cartellone scegliendo parole gentili in tante lingue diverse. Abbiamo creato un voki per comunicare con i nostri amici del progetto eTwinning “ The big surprise”

    We are celebrating the European day of languages. We draw a poster choosing " Nice words" in many different languafes. We also created a voki  to communicate with our eTwinning friends.

    Here our big poster with all our NICE words