Interactive Poster "The Uniqueness of Taranto Seas"

  • This interactive poster has been done by the students of IISS A. Rihgi as a result of the Erasmus+ PTOF project ! "L'unicità della Biodiversità dei Mari di Taranto", studio della flora e fauna del Mar Piccolo e Mar  Grande..

    During the project a research work on the marine species that populate our seas, the study of their characteristics, and the marine habitats they occupy. These studies have allowed students to know and understand the beauty, uniqueness and importance of the biodiversity of our sea and the delicate balances that govern it.

    They also understood that the fate of an entire ecosystem can depend on the survival of a single species and that the behavior of each of us can have a decisive influence on the conservation of this biodiversity.

    This also allowed them to understand that the study of school subjects is not purely theoretical but can be spent on the field in order to develop a sense of responsibility towards the protection of these marine treasures.

    The study then led to the construction of an interactive poster and then to the development of an app that could allow, through the poster, to "live" a virtual diving experience in the sea of Taranto.

    the poster was to develop in the students the ability to communicate the information acquired using an infographic with images of some of the most typical sea species of the Ionian Sea and make it interactive, integrating the images with a brief description of the species and with videos showing these sea species in their natural habitat. The videos linked to the images are original and made for this project.

    To make the poster interactive, you need to download the METAVERSE app on your mobile phone or tablet, scan the QR codes located on the left side of the poster images and you can access both the theoretical description of the sea species and the related video.