C3 "Back to Mother Nature" Costin Miron Bacau Romania


    The partner delegation took part in a zone cleaning activity organized by the hosting school in collaboration with the Romanian National Forestry in the amazingSlanic Moldova Forest

    .A good starting point was a lesson about staying safe: while climbing up the mountain the forestry guardians focused on identifying and avoiding danger –and neat behavior.

    This activity aimed at introducing the idea of the need for collaboration in forest management but also allowed time for reviewing essential lessons learned in previous modules held in each school about why forests are so important for people and life on earth.

    Once we got to the mountain refuge the participants enjoyed a typical mountain lunch with stewed wild bear which was another example of genuine life . 

    After the lunch break considering that most of our students hardly ever spend their free time out and about in nature., an essential part of the program was to teach them to be in Nature safely.

    . The delegations were delivered a First Aid lesson about the recovery position with a simple demonstration of the First Aid techniques in case of fractures and loss of consciousness.We reflected on why it is important to learn first aid, why our own safety must come first, how to assess if someone is unconscious and what to say and do when making an emergency call.

    The lesson gave students a grounding on why it is important to carry a first aid kit in the mountains, what it should contain and how to manage an incident, and the most commonly needed first aid skills which are life skills and so equally important in  Education.

    The lesson  not only gave our students the ability to save a life – knowing how to respond in an emergency, but it also improved their confidence, self-esteem, teamwork, and communication skills.

    The tree planting activity also helped us raise awareness of the importance of trees and shrubs. Each school planted a sapling tree in a fixed area of the forest. Students served as the primary planters which allowed them to take ownership of the project and responsibility for the Environment.

    We learned how to plant and care for a green area too. And now students understand why the practices we taught them are important to our well-being.