Learning languages is FUN:)


    Czech class learning French from Lucie Nová on Vimeo.


    Our older pupils have been making tourist brochures in French of Ely.


    Greek pupils teach you the greek language



    Czech class counting to ten in Greek - at first with the help of your video but after that there was a test to come :-)

    Let´s count to ten in Greek from Lucie Nová on Vimeo.

    The French team counting in Greek!


    In December the language of the month is DUTCH

    Lesson 1: Here are three girls from our class who want to help you learn to count in Dutch.

    One - Een
    Two - Twee
    Three - Drie
    Four - Vier
    Five - Vijf
    Six - Zes
    Seven - Zeven
    Eight - Acht
    Nine - Negen
    Ten - Tien


    Lesson 2: Here you can learn some Dutch words



    Good morning - Goede morgen
    Good evening - Goede avond
    Hello - Hallo
    Bye - Doei
    Yes - Ja
    No - Nee
    Orange - Oranje
    the Netherlands - Nederland


    Lesson 3: The Dutch Days of the Week

    monday - maandag
    tuesday - dinsdag
    wednesday - woensdag
    thurday - donderdag
    friday - vrijdag
    saturday - zaterdag
    sunday - zondag


    Polish pupils tried to speak Dutch:):

    Lesson 1 - Numbers


    Greek pupils try to learn French


    Lesson 3 - Days of the week



    Does it sound like Dutch?:)


    The French Team counted in Dutch in front of the whole school during our Christmas show!




    In November the language of the month is POLISH:)

    Let's start with the numbers.

    You can choose study Mode - there are different possibilities of studying:)




    And some everyday words/expressions:




    The Dutch kids tried counting in Polish:

    The first video is where the board says it and we repeat, the second one is without the help of the speaking woman.



    The Dutch also said goodbye in Polish at the end of the day:


    We also tried to do something in different languages.

    At this moment - only in four - Polish, English, Russian and Latvian.






    Polish pupils try to learn French:



    ...and Greek:




    Polish pupils have  learnt a few phrases in Czech: