• Latest news:

    120 pupils have voted in our LOGO competition and the winner is.....the logo from Netherlands:)






    Let's design the LOGO for our project - It must include all the countries ( names/flags) and the title of the project.

    We upload all the logos here on Twinspace till 10th November. Then we will do the voting and we will choose ONE logo for our project. 


    Let's choose ONE logo for our project:).

    We can vote till 28th November.


    The rule is that each pupil can choose ONE logo and we cannot vote for the logo from our own country. All the pupils can vote from the same computer.









    The Dutch have designed one logo:

    Pupils from the Czech Republic have made these logos:

    ...and they have chosen their best logos as well:


    The logos from Poland:


    Students from Latvia have created these logos with the help of their teacherof arts.


    Logos from France




    Logos from England