
  • Objective

    Get instructions for soil preparation.


    1. Slovenia writes instructions for soil preparation

    2. Slovenia writes down the list of plants.

    3. France and Italy work together to set up the list of sensors.

    Soil preparation

    The planning of the actual school garden should start from the location. An ideal location for a school garden would have at least these features:

    • best possible growing conditions for the plants,

    • best possible accessibility of the garden for the pupils and the teachers – close to the school building, and

    • protection from traffic and other sources of air and noise pollution.


    Of course it’s often not possible to have all of these at the same time. Nevertheless, we should know what we are looking for and then try to choose the best compromise location.


    Conditions to consider

    • Availability of sunlight
    • The quality of the soil
    • Availability of water

    Standard raised bed

    1. Dig approximately 30 cm deep hole on the ground. The depth depends on the soil profile and tools/techniques available. The removed material is collected in three separate heaps:
    -first the grass turf carefully place on the side with the root side up;
    -the second heap consists of well-structured, living soil and lastly
    -the third heap consists of usually more compacted soil from the bottom of the hole.

    Any slightly larger stones should be removed.

    2. Fill the hole with loosely spread branches and twigs or with fresh materials left over from trimming the bushes – the thicker ones placed in the bottom.

    3. Cover with sheets of cardboard which was torn into smaller pieces.

    4. Cover the cardboard with a layer of dry and semi-dry garden plant residues. It may be covered with a dusting of wood ashes, if available. Other materials, such as powdered dry clay, can also be used. In case of any additional layers of garden residues, some soil should be placed in between; the soil from the bottom of the hole is used for this (any big stones should be removed beforehand).

    5. Then add a layer of grass turf with the soil/root side up; this will prevent the grass from taking root.

    6. Any suitable organic material that is available can also be added; for example, a layer of leaves and wood ash spread over the turf.

    7. Cover everything with the dug-out soil. The soil from the bottom of the hole is used for this (any big stones should be removed beforehand).

    8. Some fermented animal manure can be added, if available. Animal manure stimulates the process of good fermentation and provides additional nutrients.

    9. The bed is then covered with the fine well-balanced top soil.


    List of plants

    - lettuce

    - cabbage

    - peas

    - radish

    - tomato

    - pepper

    - garlic

    - onion

    List of sensors

    - Oxygen rate inside

    - Carbon dioxide rate outside

    - Soil temperature

    - Soil humidity

    - Air temperature

    - Air humidity

    - Luminosity