This page will contain all the recordings of the videoconferences done during the project.
1. Choose a title and write the date of the videoconference.
2. Insert the link of the recording.
List of videoconferences
4. Videoconference with Ms. Tanja Cegnar, climatologist in ARSO, Ljubljana SLO: https://vox.arnes.si/p24x4w98kb5/
3. Videoconference with meteorologist Mr. Jure Cedilnik. https://vox.arnes.si/p6jd9uoaoi5/
2. Second videoconference (22/10/2018) https://vox.arnes.si/p9og0elw2pl/
1. First videoconference with students https://vox.arnes.si/p61agra4v44/
Here are questions of the Socrative game:
Here are the results per team: Nanji's team won!