
  • Dissemination

    School level:

    * August 2018 - The school was informed about the Grant received for the Erasmus+ prohject - Raising Responsible Citizens


    * September 2018 

    Informação sobre o projeto - setembro2018.doc


    * September 2018 - Decision about the teachers involved in the project in a Clube Europeu meeting

    Professores Participantes:

    Carlos Gomes

    Cristina Silva

    Mário Santos

    Ana Sofia Garcia

    Inês Gonçalves

    Beatriz Tomé


    * September 2018 - The rules for participating in the project

    Regulamento RRC.doc

                          School's website

                          Clube Europeu placard


    * September 2018 - Project's Logo Contest



    * The most voted logos in Portugal 


    * October 2018 - The participant students in the project


    * The weekly meetings of the participant students and teachers


    * November 2018 - Meeting in Croatia

    Video of the Mobility

    * January 2019:  Interview with the President of the Students' Association: Inês Carreira


    * March 2019 - Meeting in Greece


    Local level: 

    * October 2018 - Meeting with our students' participants' parents about the idea and goals of the project.


    * December 2018 - The Project goes local



    * CMB Carta


    * May 2019 Related to the project RRC, our students participated in a  Volunteering Fund Raising initiative 

    A imagem pode conter: texto  
    A imagem pode conter: 2 pessoas, pessoas a sorrir


    * June2019  Environmental actions in Benavente


    Our students and community in general participated in a walk around our small village. During the walk, all the participants were asked to pick trash from the floor. So, we were able to gather a few kilos of unwanted trash from the countryside near our small village. The walk lasted for an hour and a half and at the end of the walk, everybody could participate in a huge Zumba class, near the river that bathes Benavente. 

    It was an excellent opportunity to take advantage of the environment and a way to contribute to an healthier lifestyle.



    State level:

    October, 2019

    Some of the activities developed in the Portuguese Mobility were gathered in a small video that was published on the WEB page of the Agrupamento de Escolas de Benavente.


    Radio Iris made an interview with the coordinator of the porject in Portugal - teacher Cristina Silva - and some of the students involved in the project. This interview happened when the students and teachers involved in the project visited the Portuguese Parliament. 


    Resultado de imagem para radio iris


    International level:


    Ebook - Learning designers