5 February Safer Internet Day Activities

    Common Products
    We are in the same collage

    Interaction and Cooperation Between TURKEY & ITALY

    Zeynep SARIKOÇ
    Talia Yaşar Bakdur Ortaokulu / TURKEY

    We agreed with the Italian - Lucera (FG) / ICS "Bozzini - Fasani" school to promote joint interaction and sharing. My students made New Year's card with LED light in Turkey for Italian friends.

    In our new year card gift event, the cards we sent arrived in Italy.

    Italian students were very happy to see our work. After examining our cards, they placed it on their eTwinning Board in their school. I thank my students for their beautiful work. We wish you good work.

    Happy New Year

    Gülşen ERSAN
    Edremit Anatolian Imam Hatip High School(Working with Secondary School Part) Edremit-VAN

    We sent New Years cards with best wishes to Yasemin UYSAL from Muğla. It was very exciting for my students to have the chance to meet some students from a different city,Muğla. After some time, we received our New Years cards from Muğla. Those were unforgettable moments for my students so each of them told that they would keep their cards for a lifetime.

    Interaction and Cooperation Between TURKEY & ITALY

    Interaction and Cooperation Between TURKEY & ITALY
    Zeynep SARIKOÇ

    Talia Yaşar Bakdur Ortaokulu / TURKEY

    We agreed with the Italian - Lucera (FG) / ICS "Bozzini - Fasani" school to promote joint interaction and sharing.

    In our new year card gift event, the cards made by them had arrived in us.

    Turkish students were very happy to see their workk. After examining their cards, we will exhibit in our exhibition .

    This event is so important cause this is the first time for my student to interact with children in other countries.

    Thank you partner form ITALY for this experience

    our coding game certificate(code week)

    we attended the code week activities together and we got excellence certificate(TURKISH PARTNERS AND ITALIAN PARTNERS)

    Okul Dışarda Günü

    We attended the code week and we used the same code to product new games,to teach coding to the students and to get the excellence certificate with our partners from Turkey and Italy.

    our common product of gamification (our coding games on Code Week)

    We attended the code week and we used the same code to product new games,to teach coding to the students and to get the excellence certificate with our partners from Turkey and Italy.

    our postcards

    We sent New Years cards with best wishes to Gülşen ERSAN from Van. It was very exciting for my students to have the chance to meet some students from a different city,Muğla. After some time, we received our New Years cards from Van.They would keep their cards for a lifetime.


    We received our postcards from Van-Gülşen Ersan

    Aytun AYDIN

    Erasmus projesi kapsamında 6 ortak okulumuz Estonya Tallinn Üniversitesinde oyunlaştırılmış eğitim projesini yürüttüler.

    Emine Dicle & Sema Çimen

    We exchanged New Year cards.