• 15th OCTOBER-15th NOVEMBER
    -Introducing schools,students and maybe cities
    -Adding students to the twinspace
    -Creating a facebook and messenger group to communicate
    -Using forum part on the twinspace actively

    -Creating our logos by using web2 tools and a logo competititon
    -Creating our posters of the project
    -Deciding the curriculum while working on the project
    -Using different techniques(e.g. dramas,songs)and games(e.g.classical and traditional games or modern games,games by using web2 tools,coding games,mind games...etc.)according to the curriculum.

    1st MARCH-30th APRIL
    -Arranging different competitions among the students and maybe partners
    -Using facebook,twinspaceand forum part actively
    -Creating project journal by using web2 tools(Students must work on the project actively and do not use their appearance in the project visuals.)

    30th APRIL-30th MAY
    -Creating project summary,surveys by using different web2 tools