Our school

    daniel zazvorka - 13.01.2015 13:06




    At the workshops, there are thirteen workbenches. We have got various drawings .Every


    student has his desk and a toolbox box, which contains useful tools for example -


    a chisel, hammer and other equipment.Our foremen explain everything to us.




    English clasroom

    Theo Tiller - 13.01.2015 13:00
    We meet there 3 times a week.

    There are desks,chairs,notice boards and  windows.

    In the middle there is a teacher´s desk with a computer.

    Next to the teacher’s desk there is a blackboard and a projector.

    Sometimes teacher shows us some vieos from all the world and study materials.

    Our dining hall

    Our dining hall is designed for eating of the whole school. The dining room has about 150 seats. It looks quite nice. We got a podium there for performances of students or other entertainment. It is quite spacious and our cooks cook well there. Sometimes our cooks invite some professional chefs. The lunch time is the most pleasant time at school. Every day two meals are cooked with the opportunity to choose via your computer a few days or weeks in advance. There is often a variety of salads, steaks, meat, stew, soup and everything you can wish is possible. To drink there are served three kinds of drinks - tea / juice, coffee or  water with lemon. Also, for lunch we have a variety of desserts - apples or other fruits, bars, sweets .... I am satisfied with the meals and everything in our school is nice too..


    Denisa Novackova - 13.01.2015 12:59

    On the second floor there are a dining room, some tables,a couch, machine on selection of lunch, many classes and toilets.

    On the couch, students usually wait for lessons or make their  preparation for lessons or talk with classmates.

    On this floor there are also products of students, models of houses, paintings and diplomas from the masters from year 1926, letters from World War II, there is also a huge painting graffiti Life of Stavebka.

    On this floor there are some offices - the Office deputy director,Office director Office secretary. The walls are red . Couches are black .



    School yard

    Zuzana Treuova - 13.01.2015 13:01

    There is a parking place for students and teachers´ cars. We have two outdoor playgrounds. In the


    school garden there is a nice house, where our janitor lives. Our garden is beautiful. We have nice


    lagoon and seating. Behind the school, a path leads to workshops.



    The ICT room is on the first floor.There are several PCs.There are computers in black.We hardly ever go there.  

    by Lukáš Slabý

    However, there are at least six computer classrooms in our school and we definitelly go to number 501 twice or three times a month to work on our project. (mch)

    The first floor
    Jiri Cypra - 13.01.2015 13:09

    On the first floor there is a gym.
    There are also two gyms.
    There are changing rooms with lockers.
    There is a computer classroom.

    Ladislav Batelka - 13.01.2015 13:09


    In our school there are two gyms and a centrum for bodybuilding exercise.

    Between the gyms there are P.E. tools and equipment is still hanging there and parallel bars to strengthen your body.

    In both gyms there are wooden floors and paneling. :)

    The fifth floor

    On this floor there are eight classes.

    On this floor there are three cabinets.

    On this floor there is a copy machine.

    On this floor there are also a lot of doors.

    by Marek Petr

    by David Veleba (pupils-students must replace)....