Let's celebrate together Earth Day 2019! (Ghenea Simona,Romania)

  • Dear friends, please write a message for our planet and if you want, insert a picture, a wordcloud, to celebrate this day

    Ghenea Simona

    Our future is in our hands!

    Ghenea Simona,Romania

    Save the Earth, is our house!

    Monica Frigerio - Como Rebbio Primary School, Italy

    Save the Earth for you and your children!

    Agenda 2030 Ic3 Modena

    We love our Earth

    Agenda 2030 Ic3 Modena

    Our 17goals

    Monica Frigerio- Como Rebbio Primary School, Italy

    Our Planet is in your hands!

    Judit Suszterné Fükő, Bulgárföldi Általános Iskola, Hungary

    The prayer of the forest
    Wanderer who passes by me, do not raise a hand against me!
    I'm the warmth of your stove on cold winter nights
    I'm a friendly cover of your porch, in whose shadow
    you flee from the blazing sun and my fruit quenches your thirst.
    I am the beam that keeps your house, I am the tab of your desk
    and I am the bed in which you lie, the plank from which you build your boat.
    I'm the door of your house, the cradle tree, the coffin cover.
    Wanderer, who passes by me, listen to my request:
    Do not hurt me!
    (Hannes Tuch)

    Gaia Giorgetti

    We all have to save the Earth!!

    Gaia Giorgetti

    Children believe in us! Save the Earth!!

    Bulgárföldi Általános Iskola, Hungary
    Esma Kılıçlar Şahin-Satı Öztürk Primary School-Ankara

    We are the one who will save the planet

    Alaattin Portakal - Ataturk Primary School Istanbul Turkey

    Earth Day
    Earth gives us a beautiful life

    1rst Kindergarten of Kalloni Lesvos Greece Despina-Ioanna

    Save our big home!!!

    Elementary school don Lovre Katica, 2.b

    We have to preserve the rare plant and animal species! Earth is home for all of us!

    Elementary school don Lovre Katica, 2.b

    Earth Day 2019

    Atanasija Bilić, Elementary school don Lovre Katića, 2.c

    There is no place like Earth!

    Earth Day at Ic3 Modena

    Let's be ecological ...BY Bike!

    Julianna Szabó - Petőfi Sándor Technological High School, Romania

    Why i love the Earth?

    Julianna Szabó - Petőfi Sándor Technological High School, Romania

    Cleaning action on Earth Day

    Kindergarten Ivanić grad, Croaita

    Earth day

    Filiz Ay İbrahim Akoplu Primary School Keçiören Ankara Turkey