Earth Day

  • Earth Day Song Contest: share here your recording here, in any language.

    RECYCLING-2nd Kindergarten Ierapetra
    3Rs By Spain, Teacher Cecilia, CEIP Juan del Río Ayala

    2nd Primary

    By Spain, Teacher Antonio, CEIP Juan del Río Ayala

    3rd grade. Primary.

    Coloured Bins

    the joint work of the students and teachers from Sveti Sava Primary School, Kikinda, Serbia

    We've got the whole world in our hands

    Whitehouse Common Primary School, England

  • Which song do you like best? Please decide with your pupils before voting from 22nd - 26th April and, PLEASE DO NOT VOTE FOR YOUR OWN SONG!
    By Spain, Teacher Cecilia, CEIP Juan del Río Ayala
    0 votes (0%)
    By Spain, Teacher Antonio, CEIP JUAN DEL RÍO AYALA
    1 vote (20.00%)
    By OŠ Sveti Sava, Kikinda, Serbia
    2 votes (40.00%)
    By Ierapetra, Greece 2ο Nηπιαγωγειο Ιεραπετρας,
    2 votes (40.00%)


    To Pre-Primary School Ierapetra, Greece


    Os Sveti Sava, Kikinda, Serbia!