Our project Healthy Booky is not only the 5th and 6th classes students' project. Nearly the whole schools have been involved and students have taken part in it, making posters, filling our survey and even preparing healthy food.
eTwinning Poland-Spain Healthy lifestyle
Doing the survey
Glogster posters for 1st and 2nd
Everyday’s healthy habits
Group 1a: Carmen, Yasmin, Marcin, Mateusz, Wiktor
Group 1b: Carmen, Yasmin, Mateusz
Group 2a: Bireta, Bautista, Ala, Zuzia
Group 2b: Bireta, Bautista, Zuzia, Paulina, Oliwia
Group 3a: Claudia, Fernando, Julia, Julia
Group 3b: Claudia, Fernando, Julia, Julia
Group 4a: Shengkang, Patrycja, Karolina, Agnieszka
Group 4b: Shengkang,Patrycja, Agnieszka,