Postal Exchanges

  • Schools adress


    1.Scuola secondaria di primo grado "D. Alighieri"

    via Stradona 88

    35040 MERLARA (PD) 


    2. 4th Junior High School of Petroupolis (4ο Γυμνάσιο Πετρούπολης)

    Stratigou Kefala & Mystra

    13231, Petroupolis




    Easter gifts from GREECE

    Handmade cards for students, seeds of  greek thyme and rosemary, greek honey and a handmade flower candle:

    among the others (cards, chocolates, handmade flower candle, greek honey) some greek seeds of thyme and rosemary, too:



    Easter gifts from ITALY

    Cards and gifts from Italy Decorating ICT lab in Petroupoli
    Seeds from Italy Planted in Petroupoli