9. Bees need help


    So, this is what we have done:


    1. Planting activities

    a) With seeds that Petroupoli had sent at easter, students have planted Greek thyme and rosemary:

    and the plants have started growing well:

    09 April 2018 16 April 2018


    b) Planting for World Bee day  -participation in International ENO activity


    c) Conference "BEE DAY" in collaboration with Local authorities (Town Council and stakeholders) for awareness of the local community. 






    a) Planting in school yard herbs that bees love after the websearch and the collaborative brainstorming the greek students had in class:



    b) Planting Italian seeds that Merlara's students had sent at easter:

    c) Planting for World Bee day  -participation in International ENO activity