
  • I’ll play for you!


    Short description:

    In this project the students who play classical instruments are involved and accompanied by their colleagues in research about classical music.

    Students in international groups make research about musical styles, instruments, periods and composers.

    Creative activities are an opportunity to produce interpretations of music: pictures, stories, stop motion animation.

    Classical music is an important part of common European herritage and in this project we want to take part in the Year of Cultural Herritage in UE.


    1. Deeper and more direct contact with classical music

    2. Recording musical performence by students having musical skills and education and sharing it with partner school

    3. Engaging students having variuos talents into research and activities connected with music

    4. Classical music as common European herritage

    5. Creative interpretation of music with usage of art an media

    Working process:

    1. Founder members prepare the schedule of activities and recruit the students

    2. Other partners are invited

    3. The tasks for 4 weeks are described and given the students

    4. Students introduce themselves and their schools on Twinspace

    5. Students record their musical performance and send it to the partner school

    6. Teachers prepare pages on Twinspace or interactive presentations. Students divide into groups and add content to the pages/presentations. They work in international groups.

    7. The pieces recorded by pupils are incorporated in the general description of musical styles, composers and instruments.

    8. Students from both schools produce creative interpretations of music. They work in national teams but they have to choose music sent from the other school.

    9. Final activities: sharing comments, playing games and quizzes about the content of the project.

    Expected results:

    1. Studnets' performences recorded and published on Twinspace