
    At local, regional and even national levels we expect the project to provide new teaching tools with a series of components that will benefit many educators, students of both VET and non-VET specializations, and other members of the respective communities. These products will benefit learning at almost all levels, as follows:

    1 - At school level, local and regional levels students will instill, improve and hone their key competences in the afore-maned areas, blending them closely with the acquisition of ICT skills. They will be challenged to think "out of the box" and to become creative, put together mock or real performances, act as if they were a character, take decisions, implement them and assess the results of their own work;

    2 - At school and local levels the teachers involved will benefit from working in an internationally-based environment whilst applying new methods, evaluating their efficiency, observing students' progress and reporting on it, while at the same time, participating in the decision making processes required by the finalization of the tangible deliverable the school is responsible for, and of other connex materials, from the exchange of experience and the similar activity evaluation intrinsically involved and present along the entire project and its developments. The production of the methodological guides will take them out of their comfort zone and challenge their creativity, accumulated experience and areas of expertise, will make them devote more attention to ICT tools, to PBL, RPT and forum theatre, as teaching methods of success, and will determine them to bond with their pupils at levels hardly reached before.

    3 - At regional and national levels, teachers will benefit from the existence of new teaching ideas and tools, that will enable each and every one of them to make their courses more interactive and dynamic, to approach their teaching in a new, innovative way, to consider trans disciplinary approaches by the inclusion of ICT in their teaching, as well as from a whole new perspective offered by forum theatre and the direct involvement of students in each and every stage of the lesson.

    4 - We definitely hope that by impacting participating schools from 4 European countries, quite far apart in terms of distance and their associated or partner bodies, this project will contribute to the increase of awareness of our commonly shared educational needs within the common European frame, of the similarities in the problems faced and the importance of cooperation in order to overcome these.

    Nonetheless, the final products or tangible deliverables of this project will be made fully available and usable for visitors of the project website, and Facebook page, which gives the entire project an international dimension that may exceed the limits of the countries involved, as well as the boundaries of the EU.