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1st stop: Guess the City in Greece
1st stop: Complete the Challenges
2nd stop: Guess the City in Germany
2nd stop: Complete the Challenges
3rd stop: Guess the City in Lithuania
3rd stop: Complete the Challenges
tourist guide cartoons
Voki presentation
4th stop: Guess the City in Romania
4th Stop: Complete the Challenges
Cultural Heritage protection: Your opinion
Unesco World Heritage Sites: Your favourites
Postcard Exchange
Romanian Martisor
Monthly schedule
2nd stop: Complete the Challenges
Welcome to our cultural heritage challenge
Your task is to make your way through a labyrinth of challenges, find and collect some letters. You will need the letters to find the treasure.
There are several tasks waiting for you. At the end of each task you are told where to go next.
When you are on the page with the puzzle don't leave the solution to the people coming after you. Click "restart" in the "settings" and leave. ;)
Do you need a hint for the first task? Watch this video.
Good Luck. Enjoy the search.
The Lithuanian and Greek teams have solved all tasks of our treasure hunt!
Here is a screenshot of the Padlet that the teams managed to locate at the end of the treasure hunt.